Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The St Kilda War Trophy - a long range German Gun

In late 1919 the  Commonwealth War Trophies Committee was established and its role was to distribute 'war trophies' which had been captured during the Great War.  A War Trophy Committee was established in each State and they determined how the guns would be distributed. In Victoria, some of the trophies were retained by the Government for a State War Museum and trophies were also allocated to each Citizen Force Light Horse and Infantry Unit. The remaining trophies were allotted to towns; Melbourne and inner suburbs, such as St Kilda were regarded as one unit of allocation (1) The Lord Mayor of Melbourne convenened a meeting of mayors of suburbs within the metropolitan area and the allocations were decided (2). 

St Kilda was first offered in August 1921 a Trench Mortar (3), which they were not happy with. Correspondence between the local member, William Watt, M.P., and an unnamed staff member in Home & Territories stated that St Kilda feels that its undoubtedly fine war record has not been suitably recognised (4). There was some sympathy for this position within the Victorian Committee who thought that St Kilda had special claims by reason of its population and  its position as a leading metropolitan seaside resort (5)

After the initial allocation to Victoria another four or five guns became available from a shipment presented to Australia from the French Government and after passionate advocacy on Mr Watt's part on behalf of the St Kilda Council they were allocated a 8-inch Howitzer (6). However, in June 1922 Mr Watt received a letter from the Director of the Australian War Museum offering the City a 6-inch gun, though the gun is of smaller calibre than the howitzer, it is considerably larger, and in fact is the largest gun available for distribution in the metropolitan area (7). The gun itself was the largest type conveyed by the Germans with road traction, it weighed 11½  tons, was 30 feet long and it could reportedly throw a 120 pound shell from St Kilda to Mordialloc (8). 

The War Trophy Gun, looking over St Kilda Pier. It is views like this that led the Victorian War Trophy Committee to recognise St Kilda as a leading metropolitan seaside resort. 
Visible at the end of St. Kilda Pier is the Colonial naval ship Childers Conning Tower,
The Pier from Alfred Square, St Kilda. Photographer: Rose Stereograph Co., 
State Library of Victoria Image H32492/4925

In August 1922, the St Kilda Town Clerk formally accepted this offer of the 6-inch gun. The  appointed Trustees were Cr Joseph Hewison, Cr George Renfrey and Cr Burnett Gray (9). The gun was placed on display in Alfred Square, the same park where the St Kilda Boer War Memorial was unveiled on March 12, 1905 (10).  It wasn't the only gun at Alfred Square there was also this gun, pictured below. I do not know the fate of this gun.

An older gun in Alfred Square, St Kilda Esplande, Melbourne in 1919. The gun was featured in a series of photos under the headline Old Guns in Parks and Gardens.

On June 23, 1923 this 150 mm Long Range High Angle Gun, No. 103 (as the gun was officially named) was formally handed over  to the City of St Kilda by William Watt, M.P., in a ceremony in Albert Square. Mr Watt was reported as saying it was doubtful if any city in Australia had such a fine record for war efforts or for the number of its citizens who had enlisted as St Kilda. The gun was captured on 8th August, 1918, at one of the most dramatic and decisive moments of the war, three months before the final overthrow of the Germans. At this time the Australians were the spearhead of the Allied forces (11)

It is interesting that he gives the date of capture, because in October 1922 the Director of the Australian War Museum wrote to the St Kilda Town Clerk  that owing to the unit failing to record the place and date of capture it is regretted that a full history cannot be furnished other than it was captured by the Australian Corps on the Western Front during the final offensive in 1918 (12). 

Workmen placing St. Kildas war trophy - a long-range German gun captured by the Australians - in position in Alfred Square, on the Esplanade today

Other speeches on the day were also reported Mr. Eggleston, M.L.A., member for St.Kilda and a returned soldier, who unveiled a plate on the gun, said it was doubtful if Australians recognised sufficently the great efforts of their men at the front. The gun would serve as a memorial to future generations, and make them realise the horrors of war, and that every peaceful means should be exhausted before war was sought. Cr. Cummings, in receiving the gun on behalf of the City, said it would serve to remind the present generation of those who had returned and of its promises to care for those who had been left by those who would never return (13). 

The War Trophy Gun on the right, looking towards another memorial, the Carlo Catani 
Memorial Clock Tower and the St Kilda Baths.
View from Alfred Square, St Kilda. Photographer: Rose Stereograph Co.,
State Library of Victoria Image H32492/602

In spite of the enthusiastic efforts that the St Kilda Council went to, to obtain their War Trophy, there wasn't universal approval of this acquistion. The Prahan Telegraph was quite scathing -  In the meanwhile people are making rude remarks about the hideous gun which is scrapped in the Town Hall gardens, pointing its lean grey-hound barrel towards Carlisle street. This devilish instrument of man's inhumanity to man awaits its transference to Alfred Square, where it is to be placed to please the St. Kilda jingoes who shouted so hard to the other fellow to go to the war, but who themselves went no further than the St. Kilda pier to wave adieus to the troop transports. Such war trophies, the guns, are in their right place when retained in the war museum, but they are not in keeping with the amenities of the St. Kilda shorefront, where one does not desire to find a Moloch pendant of the heathen god of war, the most accursed of all cursed, gods that man ever capitalised or personified (14). 

The Prahran Telegraph later reported on the 'handing over' ceremony, under the headline Gun Gush - One speaker said the gun would serve to remind those who had relatives killed in the war that those honoured ones were not forgotten. We fail to understand what that apparently intendened pious observation means. If the gun reminds the relatives of the fallen, or anything, it reminds them that they have lost loved ones in a war, the true inwardness yet of which is not yet understood by the masses. Another speaker looked at the gun differently. He said the gun would serve as  a perpetual reminder of the horror and hatefulness of war. How it will do that, we do not know. There is no evidence of the horror and hatefulness of the war in the gun itself. It is simply a rusting piece of steel disfiguring Alfred Place, and quite out of place with the amenties of St Kilda's beautiful sea front.......Possibly after seeing miles of wooden white crosses in Picardy, recording the deaths of gallant Australian boys, we have less stomach to digest these flag-waving ceremonies, and less patience to hear jingoistic talk about war trophies far too often placed in the wrong places by men who talk, but who do not realise the hatefulness of war implements in abodes of peace (15). 

Mrs H. D. Matta photographed with the gun in 1925.

The gun remained at Alfred Square on display and formed a background to family photos and postcards and then it was back in the news in 1942 -  St. Kilda council is in a quandary as to what to do with the German 9.5 gun, a relic of the last war, which has been a conspicuous object in Alfred-square on the Esplanade for many years. It was recently offered to the defence authorities, who declined it "with thanks," and an offer of it to a firm for sale as scrap metal was not accepted. It was stated that it would cost £30 to remove it from its concrete emplacement. It was pointed out by one councillor that the presence of the gun in the square might constitute a grave menace to the neighborhood as hostile aircraft might regard it was part of the anti-aircraft defence. Moreover, it constituted an obstacle to the approach to slit trenches in the event of a raid (16).   

A report two weeks later said When the gun was offered a fortnight ago to the Minister for Munitions (Mr Makin) by the St. Kilda Council, the Minister suggested that the gun would be of more value to the war effort if it was used for training purposes instead of being used as scrap. It was reported at last night's meeting of the council that the Commanding-Officer of the 1/2 Medium Training Regiment at Puckapunyal had asked for the gun to train the troops, and it will be given to him (17)

However, for some reason the gun was never sent to Puckpunyal and we learn more of its history from Retrieving the Cultural Biography of a Gun by David Pearson and Graham Connah. Their article was published in the Journal of Conflict Archaelogy in Janaury 2013.  They write some time after July 1968 it was disposed of by the council and was rescued by a private purchaser whilst on its way to the scrap yard.  It is now at the Caribbean Gardens and Market at Scoresby, in Melbourne (18). 

Caribbean Gardens closed down in 2020. We do not know what the owners of Caribbean Gardens plan to do with the gun. 

The gun at Caribbean Gardens.
Image: Pakenham Modellers Group Facebook page, posted July 3 2019. 
This is the Group's website

The original plaque is also at Caribbean Gardens, which was unveiled on June 23, 1923 
by Mr. Eggleston, M.L.A., member for St.Kilda and a returned soldier. It may not be appropriate (or logistically possible) for the gun to return to St Kilda but it would be nice if the plaque could find a home in Alfred Square, as part of an interpretive panel or display. 
Image: Pakenham Modellers Group Facebook page, posted July 3 2019. 
This is the Group's website

I was made aware of the St Kilda War Trophy Gun by my research colleague, Isaac Hermann. His friend, David Clerehan, had informed him of Caribbean Gardens' closure and the pending situation with the gun and this led to this research, some of which was also done by or in conjunction with Isaac. Thank you, David and Isaac.  It was Kay Rowan, Local History Librarian at the City of Port Phillip who made us aware that the gun was not moved to Puckpunyal in 1942. Kay supplied the article Retrieving the Cultural Biography of a Gun by David Pearson and Graham Connah. Thank you, Kay.

Trove list
I have created a list of articles connected to the St Kilda War Trophy Gun, access it here.

(1) National Archives of Australia Series AWM 194 - Allotment of 1914-1918 War trophies St Kilda.
This is a 26 page file containing various correspondence from the St Kilda Council, William Watt the local Member of Parliament, copies of correspondence to and from the Victorian Committee to the Director of the Australian War Museum regarding St Kilda's request for a War Trophy and similar. You can see the file here
(2) Ibid
(3) Ibid
(4) Ibid
(5) Ibid
(6) Ibid
(7) Ibid
(8) The Age June 25, 1923, see here and The Argus June 25, 1923, see here.
(9) National Archives of Australia Series AWM 194 - Allotment of 1914-1918 War trophies St Kilda.
(10) I have written about the St Kilda Boer War Memorial here
(11) The Age, June 25, 1923, see here.
(12) National Archives of Australia Series AWM 194 - Allotment of 1914-1918 War trophies St Kilda.
(13) The Age, June 25, 1923, see here.
(14) Prahran Telegraph, June 1, 1923, see here.
(15) Prahran Telegraph, June 29, 1923, see here.
(16) The Age, April 9, 1942, see here.
(17) The Herald, April 21, 1942, see here.
(18) Retrieving the Cultural Biography of a Gun by David Pearson and Graham Connah in Journal of Conflict Archaelogy V.8, No. 1, Janaury 2013, pp 41-73. The quote is from page 65. This is the full quote, with their sources listed - The treatment of Gun 135 was also much superior to that of the only other surviving gun of this type in Australia (Gun 103) which is now in a deteriorated condition. This was initially presented to the municipality of St Kilda, in Melbourne, but some time after July 1968 it was disposed of by the council and was rescued by a private purchaser whilst on its way to the scrap yard (AWM194 Melbourne 29; AWM262 103 St Kilda; City of Port Phillip Archives, St Kilda trophy gun 06/012/0011; The Argus, 25 June 1923: 12; Prahran Telegraph, 29 June 1923: 6; St Kilda Municipal Council Minutes, 15 and 29 July 1968; Billet, 1999: 56, 58–59, 85; Caribbean Gardens, 2011). It is now at the Caribbean Gardens and Market at Scoresby, in Melbourne.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Forget-me-not flower decorated horseshoe postcards of Melbourne

This is my collection of postcards with the Forget-me-not flower decorated horseshoes and scenes of Melbourne. I just love them. The horseshoe is a symbol of good luck. According to Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (first published 1870 (1)) one day the Devil asked St Dunstan, who was noted for his skill in shoeing horses to shoe his single hoof. Dunstan, knowing who his customer was, tied him tightly to the wall and proceeded with the job, but purposely put the Devil to so much pain that he roared for mercy. Dunstan at last consented to release his captive on condition that he would never enter a place where a horseshoe was displayed. So far, I have nine of these postcards and I feel that would be enough to protect me from the Devil. Having said that, if I come across any others, I will add them to my collection because they are just delightful!

Only one of the cards has a date on it - from 1920, but I believe they were most likely made in the heyday of postcard collecting which was around 1904 until the start of the First World War. They were printed in Germany. At first glance they all look the same, but there are actually five different flower designs. I have  another series of pretty postcards, see them here.

St Pauls Cathedral, Melbourne

St Pauls Cathedral, Melbourne
The building of the Cathedral, on the corner of Flinders and Swanston Streets, commenced in 1880 and it was consecrated in January 1891. It was designed by English Architect, William Butterfield, and the construction was supervised by Melbourne architects, Terry and Oakden, and later Joseph Reed. It is described as High Victorian Gothic style. The towers and spires were designed by James Barr, the construction of which started in April 1926 and was completed in April 1933.
Source: Victorian Heritage Database, see here.

The text on the back of this postcard, which was sent in an envelope, as it it does not have a stamp or postmark reads - 
Dear Mum, Received I am sending a bit of print for Dot. I made Clem two dresses of same, it looks nice made up. Glad your foot is better. We are having very warm weather. Everyone think Clem looks better after his holiday, he is full of tricks now. Well hoping this will find all well, with love to Dot  and all. Your ever loving dau, Eth.  Did you get ointment, we find it so good.

Parliament House, Melbourne

Parliament House, Melbourne.
Parliament House was built in six stages from 1856  to 1892. The first sitting of Parliament was held there on November 25, 1856. Previous to this, Parliament sat at St Patrick's Hall in Bourke Street.
The Victorian Heritage Database citation for Parliament House is here.
This postcard has not been used.

Fire Brigade Station, Melbourne

Fire Brigade Station, Melbourne.
Located on the corner of Victoria and Gisborne Streets, it was opened November 3, 1893. The new Fire Station opened in 1979 and parts of the original building are still used for offices and for a museum.
Source: eMelbourne, see here. 
This postcard was sent to Alice Drayton, of Jumbuk in Gippsland. I have written about the family, here.

St Kilda Pier

St Kilda has always been a prime tourist location, so it is not surprising that there would be at least two postcards of the town. This one is on the Pier, and the one below of the St Kilda beach.

The text on the back of this postcard, which was sent in an envelope (or perhaps hand delivered), as it it does not have a stamp or postmark reads -
To Amy, Wishing you a merry Christmas, from. That's all it says, does not list the sender.

St Kilda Beach

St Kilda Beach.

The text on the back of this postcard, which was sent in an envelope, as it it does not have a stamp or postmark reads -
Miss Bell Cranstoun
Dear Bell, just a card, hoping you are well and happy, also Mrs Goulden. I haven't heard from Dad since, I will write to you as soon as I hear from him. Willie's cold is a lot  better and the rest are all well, all the neighbours wish to be remembered to you. I have not heard from Mrs Willis recently, no one has been about to see the house lately. Now I must close with love and kisses from all. Kind regards to  Mr and Mrs Goulden, from Mother.

The writing appears to be in biro and I feel was written much later than after the postcard was originally produced. The 1937 and 1943 Electoral Rolls have a Bell Cranstoun, a bank clerk, living at 33 Cromwell Road, South Yarra with a Margaret, a secretary and  a Jessie, home duties. Bell was born in 1916 and Margaret in 1909 to George Elliott and Jessie (nee Haig) Cranstoun. In 1949 Bell was in the Electoral Roll at  Red Cross Cottage, Lambell Terrace, Darwin, her occupation was a Secretary, so the card was possibly written to her in Darwin.  

Other children of George Elliott Cranstoun and Jessie Haig were - James Haig (1907-1922), unnamed son (1910-1910), Robert Stirling (1911-1922), Colin Campbell (1914-1922). Tragedy struck the family on August 14, 1922 when the father, who was a doctor, poisoned his entire family with morphine, having told them he was testing out a new influenza vaccination. He died, along with the three boys and Gladys Bayliss  who was living in the house. Mrs Cranstoun and Margaret and Bell survived. Read the accounts of the Inquest here and here. I did not expect that this pretty postcard would uncover such a tragic story. 

Jessie Cranstoun died at Cromwell Road, April 9, 1955, aged 71. Her death notice listed a brother, William, possibly the Willie referred to in the postcard. The reference to Dad is possibly referring to her father. Her daughter Margaret died 1972, aged 63, she had never married. Jessie is buried at the Brighton Cemetery with her three sons and her husband. Margaret was cremated at Springvale. Bell is listed as Mrs D. L. Meek in her mother's death notice. Her husband was Douglas Louis Meek, he died February 1974 and Bell died October 1, 1982 both in Queensland. (2).

River Yarra near Melbourne

This is Alexandra Avenue, with the Morrell Bridge (also known as the Botanical Bridge) on the left. 
Alexandra Avenue was officially opened in 1901. It was designed by Carlo Catani. The Morrell Bridge design was also conceived by Carlo Catani. My colleague, Isaac Hermann and I have written about the life and works of Carlo Catani in our Victorian Collections story, Carlo Catani: an engineering star over Victoria here.  
This postcard has not been used.

River Yarra

Another view of Alexandra Avenue and the Yarra River.
This postcard has not been used.

Alexandra Avenue, Melbourne

The Alexandra Gardens were also designed by Carlo Catani and opened in 1904. 
The Federation Star Bed is a feature of the Gardens, I have written about it, here

The text on the back of this postcard, which was sent in an envelope, as it it does not have a stamp or postmark reads -
Addressed to - Miss McGrath, 310 Macquarie St, Hobart, Tasmania.
Newmarket, May 3.  Dear Alice, I received your pretty P.C. I was sorry to hear father had been ill. I hope he is better before this. I see by the papers it is very cold over there now. Love from [illegible, looks like F. Fruher] There is an Alice McGrath (junior) a typiste in the 1919 Electoral at 412 Macquarie Street, listed with an Amy and an Alice and a John Joseph McGrath, I presume her sister and parents. This may be the Alice to whom the postcard was addressed.

Gardens near Princes Bridge, Melbourne

Alexandra Gardens. You can read about Carlo Catani's role in creating the Gardens in our previously mentioned Collections Victoria story, here.

The text on the back of this postcard, which was sent in an envelope, as it it does not have a stamp or postmark reads -
King Street, Dandenong November 18, 1920. Up Saturday evening. W.G.C. I have checked the Electoral Rolls, but cannot find a person with those initials in King Street.

Princes Bridge, Melbourne

Princes Bridge, Melbourne.
Carlo Catani also had a role in the construction of the Princes Bridge, which was officially opened on October 4, 1888. I have written about this here
This postcard has not been used.

Exhibition Buildings, Melbourne

The Exhibition Buildings, Melbourne.
The Royal Exhibition Building was constructed in 1879-1880 to house the 
International Exhibition of 1880.
The Victorian Heritage Database citation for the Exhibition Buildings is here. 
This postcard has not been used.

(1) My edition of Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable was published by Cassell in 1967 and is the 10th edition. 
(2) Information from the Victorian and Queensland Indexes to the Births, Deaths and Marriages, the Electoral rolls and Mrs Cranstoun's death notice in The Argus, April 11, 1955, see here.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

McArthur Drinking Fountain, South Melbourne

Postcard of the McArthur drinking fountain in La Trobe Reserve or 
Park Street Reserve as it is called here.

On December 5, 1906 a drinking fountain was unveiled in La Trobe Reserve in South Melbourne.  It was presented to the people of South Melbourne by Cr Donald M'Arthur, as McArthur was written in those times (1)  and unveiled by his niece, Mary, who gracefully removed the encircling flag. (2) There was a large crowd present, including the Mayor of South Melbourne, Cr E. A. Wells (3), seven other councillors and the children of the Eastern Road State School who sang a number of school songs, and the cadets' fife and drum band played a number of lively airs (4).

Cr McArthur presenting the fountain to the Citizens of South Melbourne

The drinking fountain on opening day, December 5, 1906.

The Emerald Hill Record had a comprehensive report of the unveiling - Cr. M'Arthur said it afforded him very much pleasure to hand the fountain to the citizens. He hoped they could enjoy it for all time. He had had the idea on his mind for a long time while he was Mayor. He had received honors at the hands of the citizens, and he desired to show that he was grateful for what had been done for him. The whole of the materials in the fountain were Australian made, the water flowing through would be Australian water, which would be drunk by Australian children. The gold for it was Australian gold minted in Australia. He himself had been so long here that he was almost an Australian so there was quite a "Made in Australia" air about it altogether. (Laughter and applause). He had no children, and he desired to perpetuate the memory of his work in the city, by means of this fountain, and he hoped that the people would use it and that the water flowing through it would be healthful and life-giving (5).

The McArthur drinking fountain. 
It is made of Gabo Island granite with Harcourt granite columns.
Image: Isaac Hermann.

Cr Donald McArthur was born in Scotland.  He was an Estate Agent and was a South Melbourne Councillor from 1896 until 1920 and was the Mayor on two occasions, 1900/1901 and 1911/1912. Donald was also involved with the Dorcas Street Presbyterian Church, a member of the committees of the Homeopathic and Austin Hospitals and the Melbourne Orphanage. Donald married Margaret Ramsay on September 18, 1880 at her parent's home in Raglan Place, Emerald Hill. She was born in Emerald Hill in 1858 to William and Isabella (nee Milne) Ramsay.  Margaret was also community minded and was the Secretary of the Benevolent Society from 1896 until 1914. Donald died at the age of 69 on December 11, 1924 and Margaret died July 18, 1950, aged 91. They did not have children. They are buried at Boroondara Cemetery (6). 

The inscription on the McArthur drinking fountain
Image: Isaac Hermann

According to the Electoral Rolls, Donald and Margaret lived at 9 Howe Crescent, South Melbourne Also at the address was a Mary McArthur, who I belive is the niece who unveiled the fountain. Mary was listed at the address from 1908 until 1924. Donald's will, dated December 1, 1924, left money to his two nieces, Mary Donald, of Grangemouth Scotland, wife of Peter Donald and Jessie Harland of Cradock, South Australia. They were the daughters of Archibald and Christina (nee Black) McArthur and they were born in South Australia - Mary in March 1887 and Jessie in May 1892.  I believe that Mary was living with her uncle and aunty in South Melbourne and, around 1924 she married Peter Donald and moved to Scotland. She did return to Victoria at some stage as she died in St Kilda in 1974 aged 87 (7). 

The McArthur drinking fountain was made by George Dawe, Monumental Mason, of Carlton.
Image: Isaac Hermann.

The Emerald Hill Record describes the fountain as  being mounted upon two wide bluestone steps, which form the base, and is constructed of Gabo Island granite, the capping of oxed granite, surmounted by a solid dome, being supported by four columns of polished Harcourt granite (8)The fountain was made by George Dawe, a moumental mason of Carlton. His other works include two monuments to Lieutenant James Roberts, of the 1st Victorian Mounted Rifles, who died February 13, 1900 whilst fighting near Rensberg in South Africa. One is in Royal Park and the other in Murchison, Roberts' home town (9).  In 1901, Dawe completed an elaborate memorial to James Coglan, a founder of the Australian Natives' Association who died in August 1899 (10).  In 1915, his firm made a  monument for Sir Samuel Gillott (1838 -1913) Lord Mayor of Melbourne and Chief Secretary and Minister for Labour in Thomas Bent's Government.  This monument, pictured below, is made mainly of Harcourt Granite. The sculpture of the figure representing Grief is the work of  Charles Web Gilbert (11).   George Dawe died on May 17, 1932 at the age of 87. He left behind an extensive real estate portfolio. A sale by his executors listed seven brick cottages for sale in Carlton. His wife Margaret (nee Smith) had died October 2, 1917 at the age of 70. They had four children Grace, May, Frederick and George (12).

Sir Samuel Gillott's memorial at the Melbourne General Cemetery. 
It was designed by Frank Stapley and made by George Dawe's firm, who had also made the 
McArthur Drinking Fountain.
Photographer: John Kinmont Moir. c. 1933. State Library of Victoria

The McArthur drinking fountain was located in La Trobe Reserve. The triangular reserve is bounded by Eastern Road and Heather Street and bisected by Park Street. It is now, I believe, called Eastern Reserve but as  you can see from the postcard at the top of this post, La Trobe Reserve was also called Park Street Reserve. The first references I can find to the Reserve is in the Emerald Hill Record of December 16, 1905 in a report of the activities of the South Melbourne Council  -  Normanby reserve and La Trobe reserve can be opened to public next year, and will, no doubt, prove an attraction to numerous residents in the neighbourhood (13). The establishment date is confirmed by this report in the same paper two years later - the northern section of La Trobe Reserve has been completed and the fences removed. This reserve was formally opened on 5th December, 1906, and on the same date the handsome fountain erected in the centre of the reserve, was presented to the citizens by Cr. Donald M' Arthur (14). The last reference in the newspapers I can find to the park being called  La Trobe Reserve is in April 1931 (15).

Susan Priestley, in her history of South Melbourne, wrote that in 1910, the triangular portion of La Trobe Reserve was 'fitted up with swings, see-saws, merry-go-rounds and other forms of amusement.....[it was] always crowded with children outside of school hours, and the fittings used with zest and amusement (16). The work was funded by a  £110 donation by Aaron Danks (17).  It was fortunate that the active children could quench their thirst at the McArthur drinking fountain.

The back of the McArthur drinking fountain postcard.

This is the back of drinking fountain postcard which is shown at the top of this post. It is addressed to Master F. Mudkins,  50 Lee Street, North Carlton. It is dated August 31, 1907. The letter reads - This is the fountain that Miss Mary unveiled and I hope you will have  a cool drink at it, as you will see the drinking pipe in the middle of it. C. B (?).  Miss Mary obviously refers to Miss Mary McArthur. The writer of the postcard and Master Mudkins would both seem to be acquainted with Miss Mary. 

Master F. Mudkins is Frederick Aulton Mudkins, born in 1895 to Edward Albert and Annie Amelia (nee Aulton) Mudkins. He had a sister Edith, born in 1887 and a brother Albert in 1891. They are in the 1909 Electoral Roll at 50 Lee Street - Edward is a painter, Annie 'home duties' and Edith is a dressmaker (18).

The report of Donald McArthur's funeral said - Among the chief mourners were Messrs. J.
M. McArthur, G. McArthur, W. McArthur, C. W. Ramsay, Aumann, Mudkins, and McNabb (19). C. W. Ramsay is Charles William Ramsay, Margaret McArthur's brother.  There is clearly some connection between the McArthur family and the Mudkins family, I just don't know what it is. The other thing I cannot tell you is whether young Freddie Mudkins ever had a cool drink at Cr Donald McArthur's drinking fountain. 

Since I wrote this we have found another post card, below, which I firmly believe was written by Mary McArthur to Edith (Edie) Mudkins. It is postmarked January 14, 1907 and is of the South Melbourne Town Hall, a building Mary would be well familar with. Mary writes Dear Edie, If convenient and you are at home we will be over to see you Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon. Would you please let me know which day will suit, Love from Mary.  Mary and Edith were both born in 1887, so they were the same age, no wonder they were friends, but how did they meet?  Edith married William Rawlings Jones in 1912 and she sadly died on October 13, 1919, aged only 32 (20). 

The postcard sent to Edie Mudkins from Mary. I believe this is from Mary McArthur.

It was my research colleague, Isaac Hermann, who found the McArthur drinking fountain postcard on Ebay. As soon as I read the letter on the back that mentioned Miss Mary, I wondered who she was and started researching through the newspapers on Trove and this post is the result of the research. Isaac also took the photos of the McArthur drinking fountain for me. He also found the postcard of the South Melbourne Town Hall, written by Mary to Edie, which just adds to the story. I was sad though to find that Edie died so young. It was a shock as I felt as if I knew her.  As always, I am very grateful to Isaac for finding these postcards, there are so many stories that they tell. 

Trove list
I have created a list of newspaper articles connected to the McArthur drinking fountain, Donald McArthur and George Dawe, access it here.

(1) I have used the spelling McArthur through this post unless I am reproducing a newspaper report and it is written as M'Arthur.
(2) Emerald Hill Record, December 8, 1906, see here.
(3) Cr. E. A. Wells - Ernest Alfred Wells. I have written about the family, here
(4) Emerald Hill Record, December 8, 1906, see here.
(5) Emerald Hill Record, December 8, 1906, see here. There were reports of the unvieling in other papers, as well, see my Trove list.
(6) The information about Donald's life and career comes from his obituary in the Emerald Hill Record, December 13, 1924, see here. The marriage and death dates of Donald and Margaret are from the notices in the newspapers, see my Trove list. The information about Margaret's involvement with the Benevolent Society is from page 225 of Susan Priestley's book South Melbourne: a history (Melbourne University Press, 1995).
(7) Electoral Rolls are available on Ancestry. Donald's will is on-line at the Public Records Office of Victoria,  Family information about Mary and Jessie is from and
(8) Emerald Hill Record, December 8, 1906, see here.
(9) Weekly Times, August 18, 1900 see here.
(10) The Age, August 29, 1901, see here.
(11) Preston Leader, July 17, 1915, see here. Read Sir Samuel Gillott's entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, here. Charles Web Gilbert, the sculptor, read his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, here
(12) The  death dates of George and Margaret and the names of their children, are from the notices in the newspapers, see my Trove list. The advertisement for the Executor's sale of George's properties was in The Herald, May 17, 1933, see here.
(13) Emerald Hill Record, December 16, 1905, see here.
(14) Emerald Hill Record, December 7, 1907, see here.
(15) Emerald Hill Record, April 11, 1931, see here.
(16) Priestley, Susan South Melbourne: a history (Melbourne University Press, 1995). p. 329.
(17) Sir Aaron Danks, read his obituary in the Emerald Hill Record, June 9, 1928, here. The son of  John Danks, South Melbourne Councillor who is the source of the name Danks Street.
(18) Electoral Rolls on Ancestry and
(19) Emerald Hill Record, December 13, 1924, see here
(20) Edie's death notice was in The Age, October 14, 1919.

Monday, April 5, 2021

The Chalet Geneve on Albert Park Lake and the Mathieu sisters

This postcard of the Fitzroy Gardens Kiosk Refreshment rooms was addressed to Mr Waters, c/o Madame Savary, Chalet Geneve, Middle Park. The bottom right corner of the postcard has the names of the 'proprietoresses', the Misses Mathieu. They were the sisters of Madame Savary, who operated the Chalet Geneve, on Albert Park Lake. Two other sisters operated the kiosk at Central Park in Malvern.  This is the story of Chalet Geneve, the Mathieu sisters and a Victoria Cross recipient.

Kiosk Refreshment Rooms, Fitzroy Gardens
Image: Isaac Hermann

The Fitzroy Garden Kiosk was the first of the three kiosks operated by the Mathieu sisters to open. It was officially opened by the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Cr Weedon of February 27, 1908. The building cost £900 (1).  At the opening, the Chairman of the City of Melbourne Parks & Garden Committee, Mr J. Harris said that the kiosk had no equal in any of the other states. The erection of such a pavilion would make the Fitzroy Gardens even more beautiful than they were at present, although, before its erection, the gardens were as beautiful as any to be seen anywhere else in the world (2)It was leased by Misses F. and K. Mathieu for a considerable term (3).  These women were Frances and Katherine Mathieu, more about whom later. The Kiosk was damaged by fire in 1960 and later demolished. A new Kiosk, on the same site, opened in 1964 (4).  

The Kiosk, Central Park, Malvern. Photographer: Rose Stereograph Co.
State Library of Victoria Image H32492/7058

The Kiosk at Central Park in Malvern was officially opened by the Mayor of the Town of Malvern, Cr Alex McKinley on May 26, 1911 (5). It was a big week for Malvern, because on May 30 the Town of Malvern was advanced to become the City of Malvern (6).  The kiosk was built by the Council, and then let to the Tramways Trust for three years. This was an advantageous arrangement as the kisok at  Central Park was at the terminus of the Malvern Tram and thus would stimulate traffic (7).   The Tramways Trust sublet the building to Mesdames Baumgartner and Schlichting at a rental of £1 per week until November next, and £2 per week for the balance of the three years' lease (8). These women were May Baumgartner and Sarah Schlichting, sisters of  Frances and Katherine Mathieu. The Central Park Kiosk was demolished in 1973 (9).  

The third kiosk run by the Mathieu women was the one at Albert Park Lake. This kiosk was part of  grander plans proposed by the Albert Park Committee or Trust. In 1907, there were newspaper reports that £10,000 would be spent beautifying the park and that a scheme be prepared by Mr. Catani, engineer of the Public Works department, and the engineers of the two councils for consideration (10). Nothing came of this, but two years later the South Melbourne Council proposed a £20,000 scheme for improving Albert Park. It was suggested that once again Mr Catani should prepare a comprehensive scheme for the improvement of the park (11).  However, in the end the Council decided that they should call for competitive designs for the park and the winning designer would receive £50 (12). As the money for this scheme was not forthcoming it did not go ahead, however the Albert Park Committee, of which Carlo Catani was a member, proceeded with the idea of building a kiosk (13)

In January 1911, the Emerald Hill Record published this report The committee of management of the Albert Park reserve has accepted the tender of Mr. R. L. Phillips, contractor, of Murrumbeena, for the erection of a new and commodious tea kiosk in the park, at a cost of £634. The building is a substantial two story one, having on the ground floor a large refreshment room 30 x 23, fitted with counter and shelving, and having a large shop window at the entrance. Leading off the room is the residential quarters, consisting of sitting room, two bedrooms, and kitchen, with small pantry. At the north-west corner provision is made for ladies and gentlemen's lavatories. On the east side of the building is a verandah 10 feet wide, where refreshments may be served. The upper floor consists of a large open pavilion comprising 1225 square feet of floor space, which would accommodate a large band on any special occasion. The building will be roofed with iron, and will be connected to the Metropolitan Board of Works sewer. It is expected that the building will be completed by the 1st April. The architect of Mr. D. F. Stevenson, of York Chambers, 47 Queen-street, who is a local resident. The picturesque design reflects great credit on him (14). 

Tenders to occupy the building for three years were advertised in March 1911, but it was the sewerage connection which caused a delay in the opening of the building for over six months as there was a  dispute with the Metropolitan board regarding the payment for sewerage connections (15).  This, plus other extras, meant the total cost of the kiosk was close to £1,000. The kiosk was located in the Albert Park between Middle Park and Albert Park railway stations, facing the old Speedway, which was later renamed Aughtie Drive (16). 

I expected to find many photographs of the Chalet Geneve, but they are very rare, this is cropped from the image, below. The photo shows Aughtie Drive and the tennis courts surrounding the Chalet, which were opened in 1923. 
View of Albert Park Lake, Melbourne. Photographer: Charles Daniel Pratt, c. 1954.

Albert Park Lake - the Chalet Geneve is top middle, railway line is on the right, South Melbourne Technical School bottom right.
View of Albert Park Lake, Melbourne. Photographer: Charles Daniel Pratt, c. 1954.

The kiosk was officially opened on December 9, 1911. There were many reports of the opening including this one - under the capable management of Mr. H. O. Allan, Secretary to the Albert Park Committee, who is a past-master at organising such gatherings, everything had been done that could lend to the success of the occasion. In the unavoidable absence of Major Morkham, Chairman of the Committee of Management, His Worship the Mayor of South Melbourne (Cr. D. M'Arthur) performed the ceremony of declaring the kiosk open to the public, and in doing so predicted for it a most successful future (17). 

Other officials in attendance were Councillors from St Kilda and South Melbourne, the two municipalities responsible for the maintenance of the building, through the Albert Park Committee and the aforementioned Henry Allen and Carlo Catani. Even though Carlo Catani was not called upon to draw up the beautification plans for Albert Park, he was, I believe the force behind the erection of the Chalet. This was alluded to in the speech of Councillor Jacoby of St Kilda, who when thanking individual members of the Albert Park Committee for their work on the Kiosk said (in a jocular manner) he believed Mr Catani had something to do with it (18).   Cr Baragwanath of South Melbourne confirmed this as his speech concluded with a tribute of praise to Mr Catani, to whom was due the erection of the building (19). The construction of the kiosk was funded by the Public Works Department. 

The Chalet Geneve, photographed on the opening day, December 9, 1911.

The opening ceremony proceedings were considerably enlivened by selections played by Di Gilio's band (20) and a toast was made the lessees of the kiosk Misses Savary and Matthieu, who named the kiosk, Chalet Geneve (21).

The Albert Park Lake tea-room was artistically decorated, the prevailing tints being green, from the green carpet on the floor to the green plush fringe curtain which divides the apartment from the other room. A stairway leads to a large tea room above, open on three sides, from which extensive views may be had of the surrounding country, with glimpses of sea water, and in front of the lake, with its white-winged craft, rising to the hills of the Botanical Gardens and the Domain, crowned by Government House (22). The green colour scheme was also extended to the waitresses' uniforms which were pea-green and white (23).  

The Chalet Geneve as well as being a Refreshment Kiosk also hosted many other functions including twenty-first birthdays, dances and wedding breakfasts. One wedding in 1914 was described thus a reception was held at the Chalet Geneve, Middle Park, when about a hundred guests partook of a daintily served wedding tea. The table decorations in silver and pale pink chrysanthemums were very effective (24). 

Rosanna Savary operated the kiosk until 1928 or 1929 (25).  In October 1929, the Albert Park Committee of Management decided to renovate the Chalet (26) and towards the end of that year (27) the lease of the building was taken over by Miss Marie Fitzpatrick, who had previously conducted a mixed business in Victoria Avenue, Albert Park (28). Susan Priestley in her history of South Melbourne, says that under the Miss Fitzpatrick, the Chalet was a prime catering and social venue for the district (29). The Emerald Hill Record described her thus Miss Marie Fitzpatrick is one of the best-known citizens of South Melbourne, her work in practically every movement for the welfare of the city and its inhabitants, being particularly notable (30). There are reports of her work with the St Vincent's Hospital Auxiliary, the Homoeopathic Hospital Auxiliary and Marie was also the President of the South Melbourne Home Help Auxiliary, which amongst other activities, provided meals at the local Elderly Citizens Club in Park Street (31).

Marie Fitzpatrick (1886 - 1970)
Image courtesy of her great-nephew, Geoff Fitzpatrick.

The tennis courts surrounding the Chalet, which were built by the South Melbourne Council from 1923, were also managed, along with the Chalet, by Rosanna Savary and later by Marie Fitzpatrick (32). The Courts were so popular that by 1930 over 400 girls played tennis there each week and the Council were going to open two more courts (33). Miss Fitzpatrick was at the Chalet until at least 1955 (34) by then she was 70 years old. Of the Chalet itself, it was still there in the early 1960s (35) but I don't know when it was demolished. 

The Chalet Geneve waitresses, taken at official opening on December 9, 1911.

The Misses Savary and Mathieu of the Chalet Geneve were Rosanna Savary and her sisters Frances and Katherine, who were still operating the Fitzroy Gardens Kiosk.  The women were the daughters of James Augustine Mathieu and Mary Ann McNamara. They were married on April 6, 1858 at Whroo by the minister of the Independent Church, the Reverend John Macilrea. This was interesting as the couple declared on the marriage certificate that they were both members of the Roman Catholic Church; there was possibly no Catholic Priest in the area. James was a 30 year old miner, born in Manchester and Mary Ann was listed a 21 year old servant, born in Crusheen, in Ireland (36). The couple had nine children, all the births were registered in Rushworth 

Rosanna (1859 -1930). Married Henri Armad Savary (1858-1910) in 1889. They did not have children.
Anna Maria (1860 - 1893). Married Martin O'Grady in 1881 and they had seven sons.
Josephine Cecelia (1861-1930). Married Charles Hamilton Smyth in 1902. They did not have children.
Katherine Louise (1863-1930). Operated the Fitzroy Gardens and Albert ParkLake kiosks.
Frances Ellen Agatha (1864-1917). Operated the Fitzroy Gardens and Albert Park Lake kiosks.
Sarah Ann (1865-1947). Married Henry Arthur Schlichting in 1896 and had one son. Operated the Malvern kiosk.
James Augustine (1867-1943). Married Emma Price in 1895 and had two daughters.
Margaret Emily 'May' (1869-1948). Married George Baumgartner in 1900 and had one son. Operated the Malvern kiosk.
John Baptiste (1871-1849). Married Agnes Ellen Millett in 1902 and they had six daughters and one son (37). 

They were a close knit family (38) and devout Catholics. Katherine and Frances hosted many fundraisers for Catholic causes in their Fitzroy Gardens kiosk - this is from February 1916 - In order to render substantial assistance to St. Vincent's 'Million Shilling Fund,' the Misses Mathieu, of the Kiosk, Fitzroy Gardens, have, in their usual kindness of heart and Catholic charity, ever-fervent, organised special band afternoons for the 6th and the 20th of February (39).  Another event was held in the April - A band performance, organised by the Misses K. and F. Mathieu, was given by St. Vincent's Orphanage Boys in the band-stand, Kiosk, Fitzroy Gardens, on Sunday, 9th April, in aid of St. Vincent's Hospital Million Shillings Fund, and realised the sum of £13/1/1.... All the expenses were defrayed by the Misses Mathieu (40).

After Frances died in February 1917 Table Talk had this short obituary- Miss Frances E. Mathieu, connected since its opening with the tea kiosk in the Fitzroy Gardens, died last week at her residence, East Melbourne. Though suffering for an extended period from an incurable malady, she bravely bore up and refused to let her relatives know the seriousness of her case, till she suddenly collapsed. Many will miss her kindly presence from the place with which she has been, associated, while the charities will lose a benefactress, who never failed to make opportunity to assist them (41).  

She was so well respected that a movement headed by Mrs. A. M. Davidson, Mayoress of Collingwood, is being started to erect a drinking fountain in the Fitzroy Gardens to the memory of the late Miss Frances B. Mathieu. Her friends feel that this would be a good way of expressing their regard for one who during her reign at the gardens kiosk did much to assist the charities. The bands men of Melbourne purpose giving a performance in aid of a fund. The Mayoresses of contiguous municipalities, the staff of the gardens and leaders of different societies will support the movement. The design as proposed will be carried out by Miss Margaret Baskerville (42). I cannot find any references to the drinking fountain ever being erected. 

During the First World War the family also supported patriotic causes.  In May 1915 it was reported in the Weekly Times that In aid of the funds of the French Red Cross Society, a doll, dressed to represent Victory, holding aloft the flags of the Allies, has been given by Madame Savary, of Middle Park. The doll will be raffled when £50 has been obtained. It is on view at present at the kiosk Fitzroy Gardens, East Melbourne (43).  

Sadly for May and Sarah of the Central Park Kiosk at Malvern, their patriotism was called into question due to their surnames. George Baumgartner wrote a letter to the editor of The Age in 1916, defending his wife and sister-in-law - At a recruiting meeting at Malvern the other night an interjector made some untrue and objectionable statements as to the nationality of the lessees of the Malvern Kiosk. If such statements are not refuted they are liable to give a wrong impression, so on behalf of my wife and her sister, who are the lessees referred to, I wish to state that they are both Australian born, and that their father, whose name was Mathieu was a Frenchman, while their mother was Irish. As to myself, I am also Australian born, and my father (who was born in England, and whose father came to that country from Berne, Switzerland) was one of the pioneers of this country, having landed in Victoria over sixty years ago. Both my wife and I have relatives at the present time fighting for the King and Empire, in both the Australian and the English forces, and we shall be grateful to you if you will give publicity through the medium of your columns (44). 

It may have been this personal connection with Anti-German feeling that prompted Rosanna Savary and her sisters at the Chalet Geneve to host functions of the Anti-German League. For instance in July 1916 the Chalet Geneve hosted a social and dance for the League attended by over 100 people. Amongst the entertainers was Mr. E. Littlewood, of Prahran, Australia's popular ventriloquist, [who] gave a very interesting account of himself, together with his funny children, Tommy and Katie (45). The Albert Park branch of this league was formed in November 1915 (46).  The objectives of the League were to  financially and otherwise assist any distress or hardships that might exist among returned soldiers or their dependants, to assist in fighting the enemies of the Empire; to encourage recruiting and to undertake to those who enlist that the league will carry on a vigorous and unceasing campaign to induce the Federal and State authorities to safeguard the public interests from danger at the hands of the enemies in our midst; to advocate the internment of all alien enemies, as well as of all other disloyal persons (47).

May Baumgartner's only son, Charles, was the assistant editor of the The Herald and his only son became a Priest in the Christian Brothers Order (48). Mary Ann Mathieu died in 1918, at the Chalet Geneve where she was living with her daughter, Rosanna.  Her obituary made note that Rosanna was married to the grandson of General Savary, who earned distinction in the Napoleonic wars, and was afterwards created by Napoleon, Duc de Rivigo (49).  Mary Ann's husband James,  had died in 1881, in Shepparton (50).

This brings us to the postcard, addressed to Mr Waters, c/o Madame Savary, Chalet Geneve, Middle Park. 

The back of the Kiosk Refreshment Rooms, Fitzroy Gardens postcard. 
Image: Isaac Hermann

What is the connection between Mr Waters and Madame Savary?  The 1916 Electoral Roll has Charlotte Annie Waters at 69 Canterbury Road,  Middle Park. Her occupation is a canvasser. The address is very close to the location of the Chalet Geneve. Mrs Waters died in October 1946 at the age of 90, she was thus born around 1856, just a few years older than Rosanna Savary. She had two children, Thorold, who was a musician, music critic and journalist and  daughter, Mother N. Borromeo de Sion, a Catholic nun (51).  Charlotte and Rosanna were both similar ages, neighbours, both Catholic and I believe they were friends. I am assuming the postcard writer met Mr Waters, who was perhaps lunching with his mother at the Chalet Geneve, they got talking, he sent the writer a postcard and they had no address to reply to, so they sent it care of Madame Savary to pass on. 

The postcard writer says that 'I went to see Lieutenant Dunstan from Ballarat receive the V.C. The Governor General pinned it on him before.....'  William Dunstan, born in Ballarat, enlisted on June 2, 1915 in the 7th Battalion. He was wounded at Gallipoli on the 8th or 9th of August 15 - gunshot wound to the left eye. After treatment in hospital he  returned to Australia where he was discharged on  medical grounds in February 1916. His Victoria Cross citation reads - For most conspicuous bravery at the Lone Pines Trenches in the Gallipoli Peninsula on 9 August 1915. In the early morning the enemy made a determined counter-attack on the centre of the newly-captured trenches held by Lieut. Tubb, Corporal Burton, Corporal Dunstan and  a few men. They advanced up a sap and blew in a sandbag barricade, leaving only one foot of it standing, but Lieut. Tubb, with the two Corporals, repulsed the enemy and rebuilt the barricades. Supported by stong bombing parties, the enemy twice again succeeded in blowing in the barricades; but on each occasion they were repulsed, and the barricade rebuilt although Lieut. Tubb was wounded in the head and arm, and Corporal Burton was  killed by a bomb whilst most gallantly  building up the parapet under a hail of bombs. Lieutenant Tubb and Corporal Burton were also awarded the Victoria Cross (52). 

Twenty-one year old Lieutenant Dunstan was presented with the Victoria Cross, by the Governor General, Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, on the steps of Parliament House, in Melbourne on Friday, June 9, 1916, in front on thousands of spectators, including the writer of our postcard (53). It is an eyewitness account of the event, which obviously continued onto another a separate page, which I don't have.

The five sisters were in their forties when they took on the kiosks - Frances and Katherine were unmarried, May and Sarah were both married, each with a primary school aged son and Rosanna was recently widowed, her husband Henri having died a year before the Albert Park Lake kiosk officially opened. What made the Mathieu sisters take up the occupation of Kiosk refreshment room proprietoresses? It  gave them was the opportunity to operate their own business on their own terms and derive an income. For Frances, Katherine and Rosanna, who did not have  a husband to 'support them', this source of income was especially important. It was also a 'respectable' business and would not have had the stigma that running a hotel sometimes had, which was a not uncommon occupation for women at the time. As well, given that married women were often barred from working and even if women did work they earnt far less than men for the same job running your own business was an attractive proposition. This is my tribute to the Mathieu sisters, without whom it seems Melbourne's early cafe culture (or perhaps Kiosk culture might be more appropriate) would have been much the poorer.

The postcard of the Fitzroy Gardens Refreshment Kiosk, which was the inspiration for this post belongs to my fellow historian, Isaac Hermann, who also provided me with some of the research, particularily that related to Carlo Catani and the Albert Park Lake kiosk. Thank you!

Trove List  
I have created a list of articles on the establishment of the three kiosks and the Mathieu sisters on Trove, access it here

(1) The Argus, February 28, 1908, see here.
(2) The Argus, February 28, 1908, see here.
(3) The Argus, February 28, 1908, see here.
(4) Swanson, Rex Melbourne's Historic Public Gardens: a management and conservation guide (City of Melbourne, 1984), p. 33.
(5) Prahran Telegraph, June 3, 1911, see here.
(6) Cooper, John Butler  The History of the City of Malvern: from its first settlement to a City (Specialist Press, 1935), p. 193.
(7) The Age, July 19, 1911, see here.
(8) The Age, July 19, 1911, see here.
(9) Malvern Historical Society Facebook post of July 5, 1920, see here
(10) Emerald Hill Record, June 8, 1907, see here.
(11) Prahran Telegraph, August 28, 1909, see here.
(12) Prahran Telegraph, August 28, 1909, see here.
(13) Barnard, Jill & Keating, Jenny People's Playground: a history of the Albert Park (Chandos Publishing, 1996) p. 74.
(14) Emerald Hill Record, January 28, 1911, see here.
(15) The Age, December 11, 1911, see here.
(16) The Age, December 11, 1911, see here.
(17) Punch, December 14, 1911, see here.
(18) Prahran Telegraph, December 16, 1911, see here.
(19) Prahran Telegraph, December 16, 1911, see here.
(20) Emerald Hill Record, December 16, 1911, see here.
(21) Chalet Geneve - the first report of the Kiosk having a names was in September 1912, when newspapers referred to is as Geneva Chalet. The first use of the term Chalet Geneve was in April 1913. See my Trove list, here.
(22) Prahran Telegraph, December 16, 1911, see here.
(23) Prahran Telegraph, December 16, 1911, see here.
(24) Punch, April 16, 1914, see here. I have included other reports of functions held at Chalet Geneve in my Trove list.
(25) Rosanna Savary is granted £15 from the South Melbourne Council to supervise the tennis courts built at the Chalet (Emerald Hill Record, April 28, 1928, see here).
(26) The Age, October 25, 1929, see here. It was from Susan Priestley's book (see footnote 29) that I was alerted to the fact that the Chalet was renovated that year. 
(27) Emerald Hill Record, January 4 1930, see here.
(28) Marie was the daughter of John and Mary (nee Flanagan) Fitzpatrick. She was born in Clunes in 1886 and had four younger brothers - John (1888), Peter (1890), William (1891) and Edward (1893). Marie died in South Melbourne, aged 85 in 1970.  You can read her mother's interesting and detailed obituary in the Emerald Hill Record, May 12, 1951, see here
(29) Priestley, Susan  South Melbourne: a history (Melbourne University Press, 1995), p. 333
(30) Emerald Hill Record, May 12, 1951, see here.
(31) See my Trove list for reports of Marie Fitzpatrick's charity and community work. 
(32) Tennis Court opening - Emerald Hill Record, June 30, 1923, see here. Rosanna Savary - Emerald Hill Record, April 28, 1928, see here. There are many reports of Marie Fitzpatrick running the tennis courts - Emerald Hill Record, November 18, 1933, see here and Emerald Hill Record May 11, 1946, see here.
(33) Emerald Hill Record, June 7, 1930, see here.
(34) The Argus, April 30, 1955, see here.
(35) Australian Jewish News, May 12, 1961, see here.
(36) Details from the marriage certicate.
(37) Details of the children are from the Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages; family notices published in newspapers found on Trove and in the case of the last child, John Baptiste, his details are from the Queensland Births, Deaths and Marriages.
(38) I say they were close knit because they daughters worked together, plus they inserted regular In Memoriam notices in the paper for their father and their sister, Anna Maria, who died at only 33, as well as family death notices when the occasion arose. 
(39) The Advocate, February 5, 1916, see here.
(40) Punch, April 13, 1916, see here.
(41) Table Talk, February 8, 1917, see here.
(42) Table Talk, March 15, 1917, see here.
(43) Weekly Times, May 15, 1915, see here.
(44) The Age, February 14, 1916, see here.
(45) Prahran Telegraph, July 15 1916, see here.
(46) The Age, November 29, 1915, see here.
(47) The Age, December 23, 1915, see here.
(48) The Advocate, June 3 1948, see here.
(49) The Herald, June 18, 1918, see here.
(50) Index to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages.
(51) Electoral Rolls are available on Ancestry; Charlotte Waters death notice was in The Herald October 14, 1946; there are multiple references to  work and activities of Thorold Waters in the newspapers on Trove. He also has an autobiography - Much besides Music:  memoirs, published by Georgian House in 1951. He died in 1956.
(52) William Dunstan (Service No. 2130) read his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, here. Read his service file at the National Archives, here.  I have already writte about Lieutenant Tubb and Corporal Burton, read about them
(53) Reports of the ceremony were in The Herald June 9, 1916, see here; The Age June 10, 1916, see here and The Argus, June 10, 1916, see here. As a matter of interest, the writer has dated their postcard Sunday, June 10 - which is incorrect as Lieutenant Dunstan's ceremony took place on Frday, June 9.