Showing posts with label Pakenham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pakenham. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2025

Pakenham Consolidated School - a short history

I went to Pakenham Consolidated School on the Grenda's school bus, Bus 7, from Vervale from 1964 until 1970. My two sisters and my brother also went there. We spent at least two hours a day on the school bus, and we would have been the most easterly students who attended the School. This is a short history of Pakenham Consolidated School. 

In the 1940s and 1950s there was a movement to consolidate small rural schools into one larger, central school. This was partly a response to a shortage of teachers, due to many male teachers enlisting during the Second World War. The War also caused a shortage of materials and labour and many school buildings fell into disrepair. Consolidation was also seen to give advantages to students - the schools would have specialist Infant teachers and specialist subject teachers such as Art and Physical Education and would also allow the students a wider choice of friends from the different localities. The first consolidated school opened in Murrayville in January 1944; in 1946 Manangatang and Tongala; 1947 Woomelang and Patchewollock and in 1948 Timboon. In the 1950s newly built consolidated schools included Red Hill, Pakenham, Boisdale, Edenhope, Cobram, Kaniva, Kiewa Valley and Lockington and so by 1958, 32 such schools had opened. (1)

The schools would offer a general for children to the age of fifteen (which for some children was the end of Form 3 and for others it was Form 4) and Schools within 5 miles or 8 kilometres would be closed and beyond that, the Schools would have an option to close and join the new school. (2)  

Pakenham was selected for consolidation as early as 1946 and the new school would be built on the site of the Pakenham State School, No.1359, in Main Street. (3)

Pakenham selected as a site for a consolidated school

One of the issues faced by communities in the consolidation catchment zone was the retention of the existing school building for community use, rather than have them relocated to the new school site. This was especially important in areas which didn't have a hall. As reported in The Age in May 1947 -
Retention of old school buildings for, community centres, in areas where consolidated schools have been established, will not be permitted by the Education Department unless removal of the buildings to other sites for department use is uneconomic. This decision was given yesterday by the Minister for Education, (Mr. Field) when he was approached by two deputations from the Pakenham area with requests that the old school buildings in Pakenham South and on Army-road should not be removed, but should be sold to the district for use as public halls. Mr. Field said that if it could be shown that removal of the buildings to other sites for use in craft work and non-academic studies was not an economic proposition, the buildings might be handed over. On the information he had at present, he could not grant the request. (4)  Pakenham South did retain their hall in the community, however Army Road did not. (5) 

Cora Lynn, where my father, uncle and aunties attended school, was happy to voluntarily consolidate - as local Councillor Dan Kinsella reported - 
Cora Lynn -  the people were anxious to be brought into the Consolidated School scheme and at a public meeting had decided to request this. There had only been two dissentients. If the Department agreed there was no question that the Cora Lynn school would be moved. If the Department had a use for these buildings as schools, he did not think they should try and influence it politically. (6)  As a matter of interest my aunty who was born in 1941 was at Cora Lynn State School until May 1951 and  when it became part of Pakenham Consolidated School, she then did the rest of Grade 5 and Grade 6 there; then Form 1 and Form 2 at Drouin Central, because that is as far as that school went at the time, and finally went on to Form 3 at Warragul High in 1955. (7)

There were four different contracts for the construction of the Pakenham Consolidated School, with the one contractor K. G. Hooker and Co., of  Thistlethwaite street, South Melbourne, being the successful contractor each time. The total cost of the construction was around  £100,000.  I cannot find when the first tender was advertised, however local M.L. A., Matthew Bennett was reported as saying in May 1947 that the plans for the school had been completed and that tenders would be advertised in two weeks.  The first tender I can find advertised was for the removal, re-erection and repair of the existing building and the construction of the Junior Wing in November 1947. This was to relocate the existing building towards the back of the block (nearer to MacGregor Road), so the new buildings could be erected facing Main Street. (8)

First contract for Pakenham Consolidated School advertised
The Argus, November 7, 1947

In January 1947, the Pakenham Gazette could report that - 
A further move is being made towards the establishment of  the Consolidated School at Pakenham. Mr C.H. Pobjoy, correspondent of Pakenham State School Committee, has been asked to ascertain what temporary classroom accommodation could be arranged whilst the existing Pakenham school building was being moved to a new site further back on the block. He is submitting particulars of arrangements which it is hoped to make for the temporary accommodation of the children at the Mechanics' Hall or Scout Hall.  Mr Pobjoy said yesterday that he understood that the existing Pakenham school rooms were to be moved practically immediately to make way for the junior wing of the Consolidated School. (9). The Pakenham Gazette the next week said that the Scout Hall and the Recreation Reserve Pavilion  would be used as temporary school accommodation (10) so I am not actually sure which facilities were used as the temporary classrooms. 

News on the establishment of the school
Pakenham Gazette, January 23, 1948, p.9

The tender of  £12,742, for the Junior Wing was accepted in September 1948 and work was started on the new building at the beginning of October. (11)  The next tender of £15,999 for the construction of the wing housing the Cookery room, Cafeteria and staff room was accepted in January 1950 (12).  The final section was the Administrative block, and the tender of £14,977 was accepted in April 1950. (13) 

Last tender let for the School
The Sun News-Pictorial, April 29, 1950

One of the last contracts to be signed was for the bus service, which was awarded to Grenda's buses of Dandenong. (14)

Bus contract
Dandenong Journal, May 23, 1951

In May 1951, the Pakenham Gazette could report that the school had opened and that  four buses conveyed 130 children from surrounding districts to Pakenham Consolidated School. At present there are 258 pupils attending the School, and it is hoped that in September several other schools will be consolidated, raising the attendance to over 400 children. (15)

However, the official opening by the Minister of Education, Mr A.E. Shepherd, did not take place until November 18, 1953, in front of a crowd of 500 people, including the Director of Education, Mr Ramsay. At this time there were 550 students at the school and a staff of 21. (16)  In 1966, when I was in Grade 2, the school population was 550 (plus 94 post-primary students) and there was a space shortage because my classes that year were conducted down the street at the Anglican Church hall. In 1970 there were 600 students. (17) 

The first Head Master was Charles Hicks. The schools that formed the Consolidated School were 
Army Road No. 3847 (closed April 1947) 
Cora Lynn No. 3502 (closed May 1951)
Koo-Wee-Rup North (Five Mile) No. 3198 (closed November 1959)
Mount Burnett No. 4506 (closed October 1949)
Nar Nar Goon North No. 2914 (closed October 1951)
Nar Nar Goon South No. 4554 (closed May 1951)
Officedale No. 4242 (closed May 1951)
Pakenham South No. 3755 (closed September 1951)
Pakenham Upper No. 2155 (closed January 1952)
Rythdale No. 4231 (closed September 1951)
Toomuc Valley No. 3034 (closed September 1951)
Tynong No. 2854 (closed April 1951)
Tynong North No.4464 (closed December 1951)  (18)

In 1967 Pakenham High School was established at the Pakenham Consolidated School site and it moved to its existing location in 1970. (19)  Pakenham Consolidated School moved from Main Street to Rundell Way in 1997 and the Main Street site was sold. Some of the old school buildings that had come from the closed schools were shifted to Beaconhills College in Pakenham.

Before we look at some photographs of Pakenham Consolidated School, here is an overview of the history of the Pakenham State School, No. 1359. The School had opened on a 2-acre site adjoining the Toomuc Creek in January 1875.  The successful tenderers for the school building were the firm of Lane, Orviss and Fanning and the contract price was £252/19/0; this was gazetted in the Victoria Government Gazette, October 9, 1874. The School operated half-time with the school named Pakenham South, No. 2139 (later called Cardinia) in Bould Road, Cardinia until April 1879. (20)

Lane, Orviss and Fanning won the contract  to erect the original Pakenham State School, on the Toomuc Creek.
Victoria Government Gazette, October 9, 1874, p. 1823

The original Pakenham State School which opened in 1875 on the Toomuc Creek.
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 14517/P0001/28, L579 

In 1891, the school moved to the Main Street Pakenham site into a new building, the builder for which was A. Goad; the tender price was  £170 and it was accepted in February 1890 (21).  An extension was added in 1908, which could accommodate 40 children and  which had been built with all the latest improvements. (22)

The tender for the Pakenham State School in Main Street
The Argus, February 28, 1890 

The original building on the Toomuc Creek was moved to Lardner in 1892 and was totally destroyed by fire in May 1912. (23)

The original Pakenham School building moves to Lardner.
Warragul Guardian, October 18, 1892

Photographs from the Public Records Office of Victoria
What follows are photographs from the Public Records Office of Victoria, taken in the 1950s and 1960s. You can access more of these photographs here

The 1891 Pakenham State School building, which was relocated towards the back of the block in 1948 to became the Infants School (Preps to Grade 2)
Exterior of old school,  PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/10, F225

The 1891  Pakenham State School building during the construction phase.
Construction scenes and exterior shots  VPRS 14517/P0001/55, C148

Opening Ceremony, November 18, 1953. The Office was where the flagpole is, the building on the left is the Cafeteria.
Opening ceremony at Pakenham Consolidated, VPRS 14517/P0001/54, B996

Opening Ceremony, November 18, 1953
Opening ceremony at Pakenham Consolidated, PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/54, B997 

Opening Day, November 18, 1953. I wonder who this girl is?
Opening of Pakenham Consoldiated School 1953 by the Honorable A.E. Shepherd, M.L.A., Minister of Education, PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/54, C86

The muddy yard before asphalting and lawns
Construction views, PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/55, C176

View towards the original Pakenham School, love the little girl looking through the window of a class room in the junior wing. 
Construction views, PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/55, C173

The classroom wing, the junior wing, on the west side, against Dame Patty Avenue; this is the front of the buildings shown in the photograph, above
Front exterior, Pakenham Consolidated, PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/19, H740

 These are all the new buildings. On the far left are the senior classrooms, the next wing was the Art room and Library, then the Cafeteria wing and the Offices.
Exterior of playground, Pakenham Consolidated, PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/19, H739

Exterior of playground, Pakenham Consolidated, PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/19, H738

The houses for the teacher. The building on the right is the corner of the Cafeteria. 
Teachers' residences, PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/54, B975

The existing Pakenham State School building was used as the Infant School (Preps to Grade 2) and new buildings to house the rest of the school population were constructed at a cost of £100,000. As well, some of the closed school buildings were transported onto the site, and some are shown below.

Nar Nar Goon North No. 2914.
Construction scenes and exterior shots,  PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/55, C146

Other school buildings, the little one in the middle is Nar Nar Goon South, No. 4554.
View of old building,  PROV  VPRS 14517/P0001/55, C259

Some of the old schools, the one on the left is Toomuc Valley School, No. 3034.
Old classrooms, PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/54, B986

Children wait for buses, this was a bit before my time, but how well I remember waiting for School buses.
PROV VPRS 14517/P0001/54, C85

(1) Vision and Realisation: a centenary history of State Education in Victoria, edited by L.J. Blake (Education Department of Victoria, 1973), v. 1, pp. 403-408. Some of the information in this paragraph comes from the paper written by Ron Smith, in 1974, Consolidation, with particular reference to Pakenham Consolidated School. 
(2) Country Children to Get Better Education in the Weekly Times, March 6, 1946 see here - a good overview; Vision and Realisation, v. 1, op. cit., p. 407. I was actually a bit unsure whether the Consolidated school went to Form 3 or Form, but the photo below shows a Form 4 student.

Form Captains in 1964, the year I started at Pakenham Consolidated School, pictured are some from From 1 to Form 4.
Pakenham Gazette, June 26, 1964, p. 8

(3) The Age, September 6, 1946, see here.  
(4) The Age, May 15, 1947, see here
(5) Bunyip & Garfield Express, May 16, 1947, see hereDandenong Journal, June 28, 1950, see hereDandenong Journal, February 26, 1947, see here
(6) Dandenong Journal, June 28, 1950, see here.
(8) Dandenong Journal, May 7, 1947, see hereThe Argus, November 7, 1947, see here.
(9) Pakenham Gazette, January 23, 1948, p.9 
(10) Pakenham Gazette, January 30, 1948, p.1
(11) Dandenong Journal, September 15, 1948, see here
(12) Dandenong Journal, January 11, 1950, see here.    
(13) The Sun News-Pictorial, April 29, 1950, see here. 
(14) Dandenong Journal, May 23, 1951, see here
(15) Pakenham Gazette, June 8, 1951, p. 1.
(16) Pakenham Gazette, November 13, 1953. p. 1 and Pakenham Gazette, November 20, 1953. p.1. 
(17) Vision and Realisation: a centenary history of State Education in Victoria, edited by L.J. Blake (Education Department of Victoria, 1973), v. 3, p. 1191.
(18) Vision and Realisation: a centenary history of State Education in Victoria, edited by L.J. Blake (Education Department of Victoria, 1973), v. 3.
(19) Vision and Realisation, v. 3, op. cit., p. 1352.
(20) Vision and Realisation, v. 3, op. cit., pp. 1190-1191; Victoria Government Gazette, October 9, 1874, p. 1823             
(21) The Argus, February 28, 1890, see here one report has his name as A. Good, but I believe Goad is correct.
 (22) The Argus, September 25, 1908, see here
 (23) Warragul Guardian, October 18, 1892, see hereVision and Realisation, v. 3, op. cit., pp. 1197-1198. The Vision & Realisation entry on Lardner doesn't mention that the school was moved from Pakenham, they note that Lardner No. 1711, acquired a new school building in 1886. It is possible that the Warragul Gazette report is incorrect and I can find no information about a tender. Around the same time the school known as Pakenham East was relocated to Harkaway. This was School No. 1279, it opened in 1874 and was then called Nar Nar Goon, renamed Pakenham East in 1889 and closed August 1891, with the building being moved to Harkaway, No 1697.

The Argus, September 30, 1892


This post is a very much enlarged version of a post I wrote and researched on my work blog, Casey Cardinia Links to our Past.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Robinson's Grocery Store at Pakenham

If you grew up in Pakenham or shopped at Pakenham in the 1950s to 1980s then chances are that you would have shopped at Robinson's Grocery shop or Robinson's 4 Square or Robinson's SSW -  so this is a look at the history of Robinsons in Pakenham, who took over the McAfee Brothers' business.

McAfee Brothers' Store, Main Street, Pakenham, c. 1910, later Robinsons.
Image: Not sure where this came from originally.

Stanley Clarke Robinson was born in 1891 to Edward Walton and Emma (nee Basham) Robinson. In the 1914 Electoral Rolls they are listed at Leongatha - Edward is a ‘boot dealer’, Emma, home duties and Stanley is listed as a grocer. In 1914, Stanley married Mary Ellen Knox. They had five children and sadly their two daughters died young and a son was killed in World War Two. The children were -  Errol Gordon (1916-1989);  Nancy Mary (1918-1924, aged 5); Joan (1922, died aged one day old); Jack Stanley (1924-1945) and Alan Edward (1927-2011) (1)

In 1924, the Electoral rolls show they were still at Leongatha  - he was grocer and Mary Ellen’s occupation was Home duties but in 1925 they are both listed at Main Street, Pakenham East, as it was known at the time (2).

We can fairly accurately pinpoint when they arrived in Pakenham in 1925 by a series of advertisements in the Pakenham Gazette.  

Pakenham Gazette March 27, 1925, p. 2.

In the March 27, 1925 issue we have the McAfee Bros advertisement as usual. I have written about Patrick O'Halloran, whose advertisement appears above McAfee's, here

Pakenham Gazette April 3, 1925, p. 2.

The next week, April 3, 1925 we have this intriguing ad – ‘Watch this space’

Pakenham Gazette April 10, 1925, p. 2.

One week later, April 10 1925, we see that S.C. Robinson has taken over McAfee Brothers and he is advertising ‘The House for Good Value’ - grocery, drapery, boots and shoes, produce and ironmongery.

Mr Robinson takes over from McAfee Brothers
 Pakenham Gazette April 3,  1925, p. 3.

A small article from the Pakenham Gazette of April 3 1925 confirms the purchase, even though the information about Mr Robinson being ‘late of Sunbury’ does not tally with the Electoral Rolls, however is confirmed by his obituary in the Pakenham Gazette in 1957, which is published below.

Shire of Berwick Rate Books, 1948/1949. Click on image to enlarge.

The Shire of  Berwick Rate Books (see above) show that Stanley Robinson leased a shop, grain store and house from David McAfee (or family members) from 1925 until 1949. In 1949 the properties were purchased in the names of Stanley, Mary Ellen and Errol Robinson.

The new Gift Shop
Pakenham Gazette,  June 19, 1953, p. 3

S.C. Robinson operated as a general store keeper and in June 1953 (3) he expanded to include a gift shop.   

Another advertisement for S.C. Robinson
Pakenham Gazette October 16, 1953, p. 10

In October 1953,  E.G. Robinson and A.E. Robinson advertised that they are taking over the General Store which had been conducted by their parents for the past twenty years. Stanley continued operating the Gift Shop.

Errol and Alan take over the business from their parents
Pakenham Gazette, October 30 1953, p. 10

E.G & A. E. Robinson, General Merchants
Pakenham Gazette, January 14, 1955, p. 10

Blinds at city prices at Robinsons.
Pakenham Gazette, August 9, 1957, p. 10

In the Pakenham Gazette of October 24, 1958, E.G and A.E Robinson advertise themselves for the first time as a 4 Square Grocery Shop. 

Now a 4 Square Grocery Store
Pakenham Gazette, October 24, 1958, p. 10.

In the May 15, 1968 Koo Wee Rup Sun, Robinsons announce they were becoming an SSW Store. 

Robinsons become an SSW
Koo Wee Rup Sun, May 15, 1968 p. 5.

Robinsons SSW Store, late 1970/early 1980s
Shire of Pakenham photographer

Robinsons SSW Store, late 1970/early 1980s. The two storey brown brick building, on the right,  is the Pakenham Hotel.
Shire of Pakenham photographer

Robinsons SSW Store, late 1970/early 1980s. The white building on the right is the Post Office. I have written about the Post Office, here
Shire of Pakenham photographer

Robinson's SSW Supermarket was later taken over by Safeways, which operated for a time in the Main Street building,  but moved to its new building behind Main Street around 1984 (4).  This was the beginning, in my mind, of Pakenham's transition from being a country town to a suburb, when people no longer did all their shopping at small, independently owned businesses in the Main Street.

Back to Stanley Robinson who started it all. Stanley died on September 19, 1957. This is his obituary from the Pakenham Gazette (5) -
With feelings of the deepest regret we record the death of Mr. Stanley Clarke Robinson, who for thirty-two years has played a leading part in the business and public life of Pakenham. Mr. Robinson who was 66 years of age, had not enjoyed good health for some months and over the past few weeks he became more seriously ill. He passed away in the early hours of yesterday morning. The heartfelt sympathy of the whole community goes out to his wife and two sons (Errol and Alan), and his sister (Mrs Williams of Kongwak) at this sad time.

Mr. Robinson was born at North Brighton and as a boy of two went with his parents to Korumburra. He spent his early life there and at Leongatha, later moving to Sunbury. In 1925, with his wife and family, he came to Pakenham, taking over the general store which is now conducted by his two sons. Apart from a short period when he was at Frankston, Mr. Robinson continued to conduct his business until a few years ago, when he retired, keeping on as an interest a gift shop on an adjoining property.

Over all these years he won for himself a reputation for integrity and straight dealing. Although his business interests allowed him little time for an active part in public affairs, he yet found time to give assistance to many organizations and he was most liberal in his patronage.

For many years he was a member of the Board of Management of Pakenham Presbyterian Church. He was also actively associated with the Masonic Lodge.

No one will ever know the full extent of the good work done by Mr. Robinson, for he delighted to give assistance in a quiet, kindly way. Pakenham is very much poorer by the death of this fine man, whom we and many others were proud to call "Friend."

A service will be held at the Pakenham Presbyterian Church at 9.15 this morning and afterwards the funeral will proceed to Springvale Crematorium, arriving there about 10.30.

There is a  Memorial stained glass window at the Uniting Church in Pakenham, commemorating Mr Robinson, dated 1960, placed there when the new Presbyterian Church was opened on October 1, 1960. His son, Errol, was the Session Clerk and Chairman of the Building Committee at the time of the construction of the new church. The Pakenham Gazette reported that the dedication ceremony was on the Saturday and the furnishings were dedicated at the service the next day. The list in the Gazette includes the window in memory of Mr S.C. Robinson and a pew in memory of Nancy Robinson. The lectern was donated by Mrs E.G. Robinson.  There is also a pew in memory of  Flight Sergeant Jack Robinson. (6)

Jack was the second of Stanley's sons to enlist to serve in World War two - Errol enlisted in the Air Force in August 1941 and was discharged in September 1945; Jack enlisted in February 1942 in the Army and then in 1943 he transferred to the Air Force. He died on January 19, 1945. He was a member of Beaufighter crew engaged in non-operational flight which crashed in a heavy snow storm in Lincoln in England. Alan enlisted in May 1945 and was discharged in January 1947. (7) 

Mrs Mary Robinson, the daughter of Robert and Mary (nee Vance) Knox  died On April 3, 1968, aged 79. She, like her husband, had her ashes interred at the Springvale Botanical Cemetery. (8)

Sadly, the day of the small owner operated grocery store is nearly over and this market segment has been taken over by the two big players, Coles and Woolworths, so there would be very few people who could these days list their occupation as 'grocer' like Stanley Robinson could.


(1) Electoral Rolls;  Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages; Ryerson Index
(2) Pakenham East vs Pakenham - I have written about this here
(3) First Advertisement  - Pakenham Gazette,  June 19, 1953, p. 3
(4) The 1984 date is what my sister, Karen, remembers.
(5) Pakenham Gazette, September 20, 1957, p. 1.
(6) Pakenham Gazette, October 7, 1960, pages 1 & 12.
(7) World War Two Nominal Rolls ; Jack's obituary Pakenham Gazette, January 26, 1945, p.1 and Dandenong Journal, January 24, 1945, see here.
(8) Death notice The Age April 4, 1968. p, 17, from

This is an updated and expanded version of a post which I wrote in 2015 for my work blog, Casey Cardinia Links to our Past

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

St Patrick's Catholic School, Pakenham, Honour Roll

On Saturday,  April 20, 1918 the Honour Board at St Patrick's Catholic School in Pakenham was unveiled. Here are a few of the salient paragraphs from the Pakenham Gazette report - 
A very interesting and impressive function took place at St. Patrick's Catholic School, Pakenham, on Saturday afternoon last, when an Honor Board was unveiled by the Rev. Father Merner. The Board is a very handsome one, the panel being of blackwood, with a massive frame of Queensland figured oak. It hears the names of 22 old pupils of the school who have enlisted and gone on active service, five of whom have already made the supreme sacrifice......Mr James J. Ahern occupied the chair and the gathering was a very large one, representative of every section of the community, independent of class or creed. It was intended that the function should take place in the school-room, but owing to the large attendance this was found impracticable, and it took the form of an open air gathering the speeches being delivered from the verandah in front of the school-room...... Speaking of the Honor Roll, he said it bore the names of 22 old pupils of the school, and as the daily average attendance at the school for the past ten years was about 20, they would recognise that the school had put up a good record in providing recruits. The idea of having an Honor Board had, he said, originated from Miss Hunt, the school mistress. The pupils desired to make her a small presentation, but when the matter was mentioned to her, Miss Hunt asked that the money proposed to go towards a presentation to her should be devoted to the purchase of an Honor Board for the school. This kindly suggestion was adopted, and the sum in hand was supplemented by other donations. (1)

The names on the St Patrick's Honour Board
Pakenham Gazette, April 26, 1918

The St Patrick's Church opened in 1872 and a school opened at the same time and operated for  a short  time, but closed  following the abolition of aid to religious schools in 1872, and then reopened in  June 1888 (2).  The Advocate reported - 
The Catholics of Pakenham have of late contributed generously towards the erection of a Catholic school, which was opened on 26th inst., when the Rev. W. Quilter introduced Miss Butler, the lady teacher to the children. Although the Catholic population is widely scattered, thirty-five children were present at the opening ceremony, and, as the greater number of these children were attending the State school, very likely this establishment will be closed in a short time. (3) [The State School did not close!]

 St Patrick's Catholic Church at Pakenham, built in 1872. It would have been a familiar sight to all the men listed on this Honour Roll.
Image:  North of the Line: a pictorial record (Berwick Pakenham Historical Society, 1996)

What follows are the 22 names listed on the Honour Roll including their Service Number (SN) so you can look up their full service record at the National Archives of Australia,

Rhoden, Norah Sister. Sister Rhoden is listed as Norah in the report but her first name was spelt as Nora on her enlistment papers. Nora enlisted in Ismaila in Egypt on March 15, 1916. She was 35 years old and served in France and England and Returned to Australia February 2, 1919.  Nora died on July 22, 1952 an her informative obituary appeared in The Age -
Miss Nora Rhoden, one of the best known members of the Australian Army Nursing Service, died on Tuesday in Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital after a long illness. Miss Rhoden, who was born at Sale, enlisted in the A.I.F. in April, 1914, serving in Egypt at No. 1 A.G.H. Heliopolis, at Atalier and Ismailia.

Transferred to France in 1916 she served at Abbeville, Doullens and Gainzacourt before returning to No. 1 A.G.H. at Rouen as senior sister. Miss Rhoden transferred to Southall Hospital, Middlesex, England, in 1917, and returned to Australia in 1919, when she was appointed night superintendent of Caulfield Military Hospital.

Her service with the A.A.N.S. included 10 years at Caulfield, 10 years as matron at the Anzac Hostel for incapacitated soldiers and a term at Stonnington during the last war. Miss Rhoden will be buried at Pakenham at 10 o'clock this morning.

Nora, born in Sale in 1881, was the daughter of John William and Kate (nee Connor) Rhoden. Kate's father, David Connor had a hotel at the old Bunyip township from the mid 1850s and in 1869, John Rhoden became the proprietor. David Connor also built in 1863 the Halfway House Hotel, on the Gippsland Road, west of Abrehart Road. It was de-licensed in 1899. The building was much later moved to the Gippsland Folk Museum. I have written about these early hotels, here. Nora's father died in March 1886 at Warragul, aged 45. Kate then married Ernest Staveley in 1889, the marriage ending with his suicide in 1895. (5)  The West Gippsland Gazette had the following obituary of Kate after her death in June 1905 -
We regret to record the death yesterday morning of Mrs. Staveley, of Pakenham, mother of Mr. George Rhoden, manager for A. McLean and Co., Warragul, and of other members of the family well-known in the district. Mrs. Staveley was one of Gippsland's pioneers and for many years has been resident at Pakenham where the family are widely known and highly respected. The deceased lady is a sister of Mr. David Conner, and she built the Railway hotel, Warragul, in the early days of this town. (6)

Matron Nora E. Rhoden of Stonnington Convalescent Home, c. 1941
Argus Newspaper Collection of Photographs, State Library of Victoria image H99.201/1154

Bourke, James Harrison (SN 2781) James enlisted on November 11, 1914 - he was 28 years old and an Auctioneer. He Returned to Australia August 17, 1916 and was discharged on medical grounds on October 9, 1916 due to a 'recurrent high inguinal hernia'
Bourke, Robert Ievers (SN 1885) Robert enlisted on June 16, 1915 aged 28. He was also an Auctioneer. Robert was wounded in action in August 1916, gun shot wound to back and chest, which he recovered from and he returned to fight again and gained a promotion to Lieutenant. Robert was wounded again in May 1918 - a gun shot wound to the left leg where his tibia and fibula was fractured and was sent back to Australia in November 1918.
Robert and James were the sons of Daniel and Frances (nee Ievers) Bourke who were living in Stratford when their sons enlisted.   Daniel had previously owned 400 acres in Pakenham, Mount Bourke (7) which was part of Thomas Henty's Pakenham Park. Daniel's parents were Michael and Kitty Bourke who took up the 12,800 acre Mintons Run property in 1843 and in 1849 built the La Trobe Inn (also known as Bourke's Hotel for obvious reasons) on Toomuc Creek.

Clancy, Arthur John (SN 557) Arthur was a nearly 32 year old labourer when he enlisted on February 16, 1916. He was Wounded in Action in Belgium and died four days later on October 8, 1917. There was a short obituary for Arthur in the Pakenham Gazette -
The many friends of Mr and Mrs W. B. Clancy, of Pakenham, will learn with deep regret of the death of their son, Arthur John Clancy, which took place on the Flanders front on the 8th inst., from a gun-shot wound in the head, whilst nobly fighting in our defence and that of our Empire, in his 34th year.  "Greater honor hath no man than this." In his domestic life he was a good son and brother, high principled and unselfish, whilst socially he was greatly liked, a good footballer and tennis player, and on the cricket field his "'deadly left" was invaluable to his side and a constant menace and danger to the opposing batsmen. His loss will he greatly felt in future years on both these fields of sport. It may truly be said of him that he "played the game" equally honorably in his daily life and on the battlefield, and it must be a source of some consolation to the bereaved parents to know that he died bravely fighting our foes. Requiescat in pace. (8)
Clancy, David Edward (SN 11927) David enlisted on November 6, 1915 at the age of 21. he was a clerk. He Returned to Australia on September 25, 1919.
Arthur and David were the sons of William Bailey Clancy and his wife Elizabeth (nee Paul) of Wyuna, Pakenham.

Arthur Clancy's death notice
The Argus, October 23, 1917

Dwyer, Thomas Kelly (SN 7243) Thomas enlisted on November 20, 1916 in Blackboy Hill in Western Australia. He was a 26 year old Hospital Attendant. Thomas was Killed in Action in Belgium on March 12, 1918.
Dwyer, William Joseph (SN 7233) William enlisted in Sydney, on January 25, 1917. He was a 25 year old Coal Lumper. He was Wounded in Action in France in May 1918 (Gun shot wound to left buttock) but recovered and rejoined his Battalion and Returned to Australia July 23, 1919.
Thomas and William were both born in Pakenham. Thomas' next of kin was his father, John Kennedy Dwyer, of Claremont in Western Australia and William's next of kin was his mother, Mary Dwyer, also of Claremont.

Tom Dwyer's death notice
The West Australian, April 11, 1918

Fahey, Edward Joseph (SN 1671A) Edward was 21 when he enlisted on May 4, 1915. He was born in Pakenham and was a grocer. He Returned to Australia March 28, 1919.
Fahey, James (SN 1695) James enlisted at the age of 31 on August 10, 1915. He Returned to Australia December 18, 1918. He was born in Carlton according to his enlistment paper, but the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriage Index have him listed as being born in Pakenham. His occupation was labourer. James died in 1954 aged 65.
Fahey, Patrick (SN 2316) Patrick enlisted at the age of 24 on November 16, 1915. His occupation was a wheeler and he was born in Pakenham. Patrick Died of Wounds received in Action in Belgium on October 16, 1917.
Fahey, Thomas (SN 3289B) Thomas was born in Pakenham and enlisted, at the age of 25, on July 21, 1915 in Liverpool in New South Wales. He was Killed in Action in France on November 18, 1916.
Fahey, William Alexander (SN 377) William enlisted on January 22, 1915, he was a 26 year old labourer. He was born at Pakenham. William was awarded the Military Medal - For most conspicuous gallantry in action at Mouquet Farm on 26th August, 1916, in continuing to fire on the enemy after he had been wounded in both arms. William Returned to Australia on March 13, 1918 and was discharged ion medical grounds in July - he had Tachycardia - an abnormally rapid heart beat. William died in 1956, aged 65.
The Fahey brothers all had their mother Margaret of Carlton as their next of kin. She was listed variously as Margaret Christopherson, Margaret C Fahey or Margaret Christopherson Fahey. I think we can assume that their father John Fahey was deceased (I believe he died in 1895 aged 45 and is buried at the Pakenham Cemetery) but I cannot find a marriage of Margaret to Mr Christopherson, although I did find her death in 1927 at the age of 64 where she was listed as Margaret Christopherson. John and Margaret (nee Kelly) Fahey had six boys - there was also a John, born in 1886, so he was the second eldest. I don't have any information about him.

Fennell, James Patrick (SN 33181) James enlisted on October 25, 1916 aged 25. His occupation was a driver. James, born in Pakenham, was the son of  Michael and Elizabeth (nee Hurley) Fennell.  He Returned to Australia July 8, 1919. James died December 13, 1950, aged 59 and his death notice in The Age said he was the beloved father of Mary and the loving father of Francis, Eileen and Donald. (9)

Halloran, Timothy  (SN 3134) Tim was born in Pakenham  the son of John and Joanna Halloran of Pakenham and they were both listed as his next of kin when he enlisted on July 19, 1915 at the age of 33. He was a labourer.  Ironically, he was Killed in Action in France, exactly one year later on July 19, 1916.

Timothy Halloran
Photographer: Darge. Australian War Memorial DA12570

Obituary of Tim Halloran
Pakenham Gazette, September 21 1917

Hayes, John Edward (SN 2451) John enlisted on May 10, 1916 and said he was 18, born in Pakenham and an orphan - he also said his name was Robert Campbell Pattison. In reality, as he said in his Statuary Declaration of October 29, 1917, he was actually John Hayes and had been born June 24, 1899, which would have only made him 16 when he enlisted.  John was the son of Jeremiah Joseph and Ellen Mary Hayes of Pakenham.  John Returned to Australia on October 8, 1919 and he died in 1966, aged 66. 

John Hayes' statuatory declaration
National Archives of Australia
First Australian Imperial Force Personnel Dossiers, 1914-1920

Hogan, Albert William (SN 14434) Albert enlisted on September 23, 1916 at the age of 22. He was a motor driver. He was born in Pakenham, the son of Charles Francis Hogan and his wife Margaret (nee Fitzgerald). The family were living at 20 Lisson Grove, Hawthorn when he enlisted. Albert Returned to Australia July 5, 1919. Albert 'Bert' died in Pakenham on June 27, 1959, aged 65 and his death notice in The Age lists his only relatives as his deceased parents and his deceased brother, Harold. (10)

Kelly, John  Patrick (SN 5388)  John was born at Nar Nar Goon; his parents James and Ellen (nee O'Brien) Kelly had a property, Garryowen at Nar Nar Goon. He enlisted on March 10,  1916 at the age of 36. His next of kin was his wife, Mary Kelly, of 71 Keppel Street, Carlton and he was a  rubber worker. He died of disease in England on October 26, 1918, just eight days after his father, James Egan Kelly,  who died October 18 (11). His Roll of Honour Circular at the Australian War Memorial notes that he was a cousin of William Fahey, and thus also the other Fahey brothers. (12)  

Death notice of John Patrick Kelly
The Argus, November 19, 1918 

Keogh, Eustace Graham (SN 14516) Eustace was an 18 year old student when he enlisted on May 18, 1916. Eustace Returned to Australia on March 22, 1919. His next of kin was his father, Dr Arthur George Keogh, who was listed in the Electoral Rolls at Pakenham in 1908 and 1909 and then at 14 Droop Street in Footscray, the same address as Eustace. We can't actually access his World War one record on the Australian National Archives website as they have been 'amalgamated with this person's later service documents.'  In World War Two he served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Australian Army (13). Colonel Keogh died November 9, 1981, aged 82 and his death notice in The Age lists his wife Jean, daughter Barbara and Barbara's family (14).

Eustace's brother, Basil Hewlett Keogh (SN 14353) also served. Basil enlisted March 1916 at the age of 24, he was an electrician and joined the 1st Australian Wireless Squadron, He resigned from the AIF in May 1918 to take up a commission in the Indian Army.
The Footscray Advertiser published this paragraph on April 21, 1917 -
Driver Keogh, eldest son of Dr. A.G Keogh, of Droop street, is with the Australian flying corps in Mesopotania. He has invented an improvenment to aeroplanes, which is now being favorably considered by the Imperial War office (15).  This is presumably Basil. 

Keogh, Francis Leslie (SN 896). Listed as F.A. Keogh, but I believe it is Francis, who was known as Leslie (see below). Leslie was the son of  Constable Patrick Keogh and his wife Margaret (nee O'Brien). Constable Keogh was stationed at Pakenham from 1904 until 1911 (16) when he was transferred to a  Melbourne posting and they moved to 144 Cobden Street, South Melbourne, which was Leslie's address when he enlisted on July 9, 1915. He was 19 years old and a rubber worker. He Returned to Australia, January 25, 1919. Leslie died in 1968, aged 72. 

Pakenham boy - Les Keogh
Dandenong Advertiser,  June 21 1917 

Mulcahy, Richard Lindley (SN 5129)   Listed as L. Mulcahy on the Honour Board, so presumably known as Lindley.  Lindley enlisted at the age of 22 on January 18, 1915 - he has various enlistment papers - one of the others say he enlisted on July 14 1915;  his mother Bridget (nee Tobin) was his next of kin on one and his father John on another - but they did have the same address 133 Charles Street, Ascot Vale. His occupation was a joiner and he was born in Nagambie. His father, John, was a policeman stationed at Pakenham. In July 1904 he was promoted to Senior Constable and  transferred to Russell Street, which created a vacancy at Pakenham which was filled by Constable Keogh (17). Lindley Returned to Australia January 31, 1919. As you can see from this excerpt (below) from the article in The Advocate about the unveiling of the Honour Roll, Mr Mulcahy of Ascot Vale had two sons who served -  Lindley, who was listed on the  roll and who had been wounded three times, and Thomas Edward Mulcahy (SN 773). Thomas died of wounds on August 14, 1915 at the age of 30, whilst fighting at Gallipoli. He died at the Alexandria 19th General Hospital - he had fractured ribs and gun shot wounds to the back and shoulder. 

Mr Mulcahy's speech at the unveiling.

Sadly, Lindley died as  a  result of being thrown from  a cart, drawn by a bolting horse on February 3, 1926, aged only 30. 

Obituary of Lindley Mulcahy

Maher, Thomas Francis (SN 50190) Thomas was 18 when he enlisted on October 22, 1917. His occupation was student and the son of Stephen and Bridget (nee Ryan) Maher of Pakenham. He Returned to Australia July 23, 1919. Thomas was granted  a Soldier Settlement Farm (80 acres in the Parish of Nar Nar Goon). You can read his full Soldier Settlement Record, here.  Thomas died in 1970, aged 73. 

Ward, Arthur  (SN 20154)  Arthur Ward was two months off the age of 42 when he enlisted at Blackboy Hill in Western Australia, on November 19, 1915. He was born at Ballarat and his occupation was a miner and his next of kin was his sister in law, Ellen Hawes of Cowwarr. As his death notice, below, states he died of wounds on April 17, 1918. He had received a gun shot wound the previous day in the shoulder that penetrated the spine, fighting in France. Arthur was the son of Arthur Ward and his wife, Eliza (nee Mulcahy). Arthur died in 1874, the year little Arthur was born, leaving Eliza with three young children. She married Alexander Fraser in 1878 and in 1881 they moved to Pakenham, where she took over the Pakenham Hotel on the west side of Toomuc Creek. I have written about Eliza here

Arthur Ward's death notice

Sources -
  • Early Settlers of the Casey-Cardinia District ( Narre Warren and District Family History Group, 2010)
  • From Bullock Tracks to Bitumen: a brief history of the Shire of Berwick (Historical Society of Berwick Shire, 1962)
  • In the Wake of the Pack Tracks - a history of the Shire of Berwick now the City of Berwick and the Shire of Pakenham (Berwick Pakenham Historical Society, 1982)
  • Sacrifice and Patriotism: a World War One walk in Pakenham Cemetery (Narre Warren and District Family History Group, 2016)
  • Berwick Shire Rate Books.
  • Electoral Rolls on
  • Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages and family notices in the newspapers on Trove.
  • Australian War Memorial
(1) Pakenham Gazette, April 26, 1918, see here; there was also a report in The Advocate, May 4, 1918, see here and The Tribune, May 2, 1918, see here
(2) A Parish carved from the Bush: the centenary history of the Dandenong Parish (1883-1893) (St Mary's Centenary Committee, 1983), pp 17-18.
(3) The Advocate, June 30 1888, see here.
(4) The Age, July 24, 1952, see here.
(5) Warragul Guardian, August 20, 1895, see here.
(6) West Gippland Gazette, June 6, 1905, see here.
(7) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, March 20, 1907, see here.
(8) Pakenham Gazette, October 26, 1917, see here.
(9) The Age, December 14, 1950, see here.
(10) The Age, June 29, 1959, p 12 on
(11) John's mother's bereavement notice  in The Advocate, July 25, 1908 lists the family property as Garryowen, see here;  Father's death notice The Herald, October 19, 1918, see here.
(12)  I couldn't identify this John Kelly until I  found an entry for him in the Narre Warren & District Family History Group's book Sacrifice and Patriotism: a World War One walk in Pakenham Cemetery. 
(13) WW2 Nominal rolls - 
(14) The Age, November 10, 1981, p. 42 on
(15) Footscray Advertiser, April 21, 1917, see here.
(16) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, July 6, 1904, see here; South Bourke & Mornington Journal,  January 19, 1911, see here
(17) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, July 6, 1904, see here.

This is an updated and expanded version of a post I wrote in 2016 for my work blog Casey Cardinia Commemorates.