Tuesday, May 2, 2023

William Bailey - Orchardist of Malvern and Narre Warren

In the 1890s William and Frances (Fanny) Bailey settled in Narre Warren North and established the first commercial orchard in the area. William was born in Harrow in England, the son of a farmer (1). William had arrived in Victoria in 1861 for the purpose of learning the nursery and horticultural business from his uncle, who owned the well-known Coles' Nursery at Hawthorn. For ten years Bailey worked for his uncle and then bought what was the first plant nursery in Malvern on land adjoining Elizabeth Street (2). William Bailey's plant nursery was called Malvern Nursery, and it was on the aforementioned Elizabeth Street and Toorak Road. 

Coles' Nursery was operated by his uncle, Mr Thomas Cornelius Cole (1810-1889), the brother of William's mother, Annie Cole. Two of Mr Cole's sons also had nurseries - John Charles Cole (1838-1891) had the Richmond Nursery and Henry Ungerford Cole (1843-1904), a Hawthorn Nursery. Another son, the Reverend Thomas Cornelius Cole (1836-1879) was the vicar at Malvern. The Reverend Cole inherited an interest in horticulture and his rose garden was envy of rosarians. He also planted many choice shrubs in the church grounds. The surroundings of the fine church were beautified by the artistic groupings of the trees. The church garden appeared to harmonise with the church buildings (3).

John Cole's Richmond Nursery catalogue from 1868. 
John Cole was the first cousin of William Bailey.
The State Library of Victoria has the full catalogue digitised, here.

Along with the nursery, William also had a farm in Malvern, which he acquired in 1872. This article from The Leader in December 1875, had this description  of the farm - 
Mr. Bailey's garden is situated about five miles from Melbourne, on the Toorak-road; the property, consisting of 25 acres, occupies the angle formed by the Toorak and Auburn roads: it is a portion of the old Gardiner's station, and the creek that bears his name runs through it. Mr. Bailey resides in the old house, which is one of the oldest in the district. The garden is situated on the west side of the ground, and has a rather steep slope towards the creek, with an eastern aspect; it contains 10 acres, occupied with fruit trees, the other 15 acres, including the creek, being used as a paddock for the horse and cow. A rich alluvial flat which lies between the garden and the creek was formerly under cultivation with vegetables, but in consequence of the frequent floods it has been laid down to grass, with the exception of about half an acre of the best portion, on which the vegetables and young fruit trees grow luxuriantly. The garden is in two portions, old and new; the latter, which adjoins the road, contains about three acres; the trees have been planted five years, they are mainly pears, are in a fine thriving condition, and just about beginning to bear. In the other portion the trees are about 20 years planted, some of them are of large size, we measured an apple tree which was fully nine yards across and of proportionate height (4).

The article lists the huge varieties of plants grown, including this list of apples and pears, none of which appear to be available in supermarkets these days -
Margaret, Quarrenden, Ribston Pippin, King of Pippins, Adams' Pearmain, and Scarlet Nonpareil; Lord Nelson, Allan Bank Seedling, Kentish Fillbasket, and Stone Pippin. Pears: Doyenne d'ete, Citron des Carmes, Jargonelle, Williams's Bon Chretien, Capiaumont, Durondeau, Beurre Bosc, Vicar of Winkfield, Winter Nelis, and Josephine de Malines. (5).

There was another article in The Leader in November 1886, which lists the variety of other plants grown by William Bailey and mentions his faith in the use of night soil as a fertilizer - 
The lower part of the ground, however, a flat bordering the creek, and used as a tree nursery is alluvial, easy to work, and producing capital young stuff. On this ground is an acre or so of lucerne which is worthy of notice, as there are different opinions current as to the proper time of sowing, some considering autumn the best season while others prefer the spring;  this crop was sown in the early part of May, and although the frost has been unusually severe, especially in river valleys, the lucerne has not been injured in the slightest and some of it is now 15 inches tall. A crop of oats alongside is also in excellent condition. A striking instance of the value of night soil as a manure is afforded by these crops, it having been applied to a portion only of the ground, and on the manured part the oats are stronger, several inches taller and of a far deeper hue of green. Asparagus also does well on that part of the ground. Mr. Bailey has a high opinion of the value of night soil and uses it also for his fruit trees, dressing them with it every third year. Strawberries and vegetables of various kinds are grown on vacant spaces for which the stable manure is used. About a quarter of an acre of rhubarb has already brought £11 this season. Near to this is a little over a quarter of an acre of Yorkshire Hero peas, as fine a crop as can be seen, being estimated to produce a ton weight of green peas, valued at the rate of £40 per acre. Other vacant slips are cropped with tomatoes, capsicums, maize and melons, but the latter have to be resown, the seedlings having gone off through the cold. Strawberries, as in nearly all other gardens, have all but gone off, so that the crop is certain to be light this year. (6).

The last paragraph of 1886 Leader article is very interesting -
Mr Bailey and his fruit have obtained such a good reputation that he has no occasion to stand the market with it, fruiterers and others being willing and anxious to take more than he can supply, knowing that his fruit is always of good quality, and his cases honestly filled. But owing to the inexorable demands of an increasing population be is about to be deprived of a large portion of his orchard which is destined to be cut in twain by the Glen Iris railway, which is to run diagonally across it, a chain and a half in width. This will not only divide the land, but on account of the slope of ground the cutting on one side will be so deep that crossing it will be impracticable (7).

The building of the railway though his property is no doubt the reason that in 1891 William Bailey purchased 50 acres at Narre Warren, and began planting out his orchard, although it appears that the family did not move there until after the birth of the last child, Ivy in 1893. The Narre Warren property was called Bona Vista, in Bailey Road (8).

William's family was a large one.  In 1872, William had married Frances (Fanny) Godwin and they had ten children, all born in Malvern - Annie Frances (1873-1944,  married Charles Brown in 1896); George Robert (1875-1960, married Florence Emma Toe in 1901); James William (1877-1962, married Lucy Agnes Webb in 1903); William Henry (1879-1942, married Christina Cameron in 1905); Rose Emmeline 'Minnie' (1881-1891);  Alfred Percy (1883-1966, married Margaret Josephine Coxon in 1910); Charles Cornelius (1885-1965, married Lilian Mary Mickle in 1911); Charlotte Myrtle (1891-1979, married Edward Percival Krummeck in 1932); Violet Emma (1891-1952, married Edward George Hill in 1915) and Ivy Edith May (1893-1941, did not marry) (9).

Some of William and Fannie's children remained in the Narre Warren area after they reached adulthood - their eldest son, George (1875-1960), was an orchardist and also had a General store in Narre Warren, operated by family members until the 1970s. George and his wife Florence built Brentwood (later called Clarinda Park) in 1904. In 1993, the address was 271-299 Narre Warren North Road, I don't think it still exists.  Another son James married, as we said,  Lucy Agnes Webb, the daughter of Anne and Sidney Webb. He was also a fruit grower and involved in many industry bodies such as the Victorian Fruitgrowers' Central Association, James was also a driving force in establishing the Narre Warren Cool Store, which you can read about here. James and Lucy built Araluen in 1903 and their daughter, Lucy,  lived there until she died  in April 1997 and the land was sub-divided. Araluen, at 301-331 Narre Warren North Road, burnt down in mysterious circumstances some years ago. (10)

William died December 29, 1922 aged 81 and Frances died May 28, 1929, aged 78. They are buried at the Boroondara Cemetery along with their daughters Minnie and Ivy.

I don't have a photograph of William Bailey, 
but this is his son, James Bailey with his son, Sidney James Bailey, taken c. 1918,
 in their Narre Warren North orchard.
Casey Cardinia Libraries collection

William Bailey's horticulture enterprise at Narre Warren was also the subject of reports in the newspapers. This one is from the Weekly Times of April 15, 1899 (see here)   Once again, it mentions a huge variety of fruits which are no longer grown commercially.

FRUIT GROWING AT NARRE WARREN (By Our Agricultural Reporter.)
The Weekly Times of April 15, 1899

The cultivation of fruit has not been extensively carried out in the Narre Warren district, but a splendid object lesson is afforded, as to the possibilities of the district, by Mr W. Bailey's Bona Vista orchard, about 4½ miles from the Narre Warren railway station and 1½ miles from old Narre Warren township

The orchard is pleasantly situated on the side of one of the numerous hills to be found in the district. When Mr Bailey first started the land was heavily timbered and covered with dense scrub. He was laughed at when he stated his intention of planting fruit trees, and was told failure was bound to ensue. Being a practical orchardist, he formed his own opinion about the matter, and from the results there is no doubt as to the soundness of his judgment.

Although the orchard has only been started eight years, the growth made is simply marvellous. Pinus insignis, planted for breakwinds, would, from the growth made, lead one to suppose they had been planted at least twice that period. What strikes one on first entering the orchard is the uniform size of the trees - one tree would serve as a model for the whole of any particular plantation. The soil is of a granite nature, and at the first glance would not impress one as to its fertility.

The orchard has a north and westerly aspect, which seems to suit the trees admirably. Remarking on the size of the trees, Mr Bailey explained that he followed out a system of summer pruning, so often advised in "The Weekly Times", for by this means all the available growth is directed into the proper channel, instead of making rank growth, which has to be cut away in the winter pruning.

The whole of the orchard has been thoroughly drained by means of either tile or charcoal drains, but for efficacy Mr Bailey prefers the former. Although no insect pests have yet made their appearance, spraying is regularly carried out during the winter months as a preventive, Bordeaux being the mixture chiefly favored.

The area devoted to Peaches at the present time is about two acres, and these trees look remarkably well, with the exception of a few worked in the almond stock, and these have proved far from satisfactory, while a few have grown as freely as those worked in the peach stock. The majority are dwarfed and stunted. Why this should be Mr. Bailey is unable to explain, but it should serve as a warning to all intending planters in the district. The crops this season have been very fine, and have given good returns. The varieties most favored are Briggs Red May, Hale's Early, Early Crawford, Fosters Royal George the Comet.  The trees have been planted 15ft x 15ft. apart, and this, Mr Bailey finds, is far too close.

There are twelve acres devoted to the cultivation of apples, and these have also made very free growth. In some instances the outer growths have been brought into a horizontal position, thus causing lateral shoots to grow out, besides utilising the exuberant growth, the size of the trees has been considerably extended. This system has been more particularly observed with trees having a tendency to grow into close pyramid form. 

The following varieties give equally good results: - Rome Beauty, Jonathan, King of Pippins, Reinette du Canada, Summer Scarlet Pearmain, London or Five Crown Pippin, H.U. Cole's Prince of Pippin, and Cole's Rymer. The latter is an enormous cropper; its only fault is that it comes into bearing the same time as Jonathan. The apples are planted 20 x 20 feet apart.

The Rome Beauty apple, one of the varieties grown by William Bailey.
This illustration, dated March 1881 was done by John Charles Cole of the 
Richmond Nursery, the first cousin of William Bailey. 
State Library of Victoria Image H96.160/2075

The three acres of pears show remarkably clean growth, and the fruit is of excellent quality. Williams's Bon Chretien, Souvenir de Congres, Bailey's Bergamot, Keiper's hybrid, Beurre d'Angon, Doyenne du Bossoch and Vicar of Winckfield are the principal sorts grown.

Plums also receive attention, but not to such a large extent as the other fruits, but from the success attained Mr Bailey would feel quite justified in the area devoted to them. Orleans, Washington, Black Orleans, Fellenberg, and Golden Drop have given the best returns. Whilst on the subject of plums we must not forget the Japanese variety, Kelsey. This kind is an enormous bearer, and is especially useful for private use. The blood Japanese Mr Bailey would advise grown as a weeping, ornamental plant, for planting on the lawn or elsewhere.

Apricots seem as much at home as the other varieties of fruits, but only the following varieties are grown to any extent: - Ouillen's Early, Moorpark, and Campbellfield's Seedling. The strawberry plantations are by no means the least important item at Bona Vista. The returns from this source have been excellent. The plants are placed in double rows, 2½ feet apart, and 15 inches in the rows. This enables the horse hoe to work readily between the rows.

The Jonathan apple, another variety grown by William Bailey.
This is a wax model, made in the Melbourne Museum
by Joy Dickins in 1950.

Mr Bailey remarked that, to grow strawberries successfully, cultivation of the soil must be carried out the whole of the year, and not, as many growers do, leave the plants untouched directly the fruit is gathered until the following spring The manure used for this crop is principally bonedust and stable manure. The following are the varieties grown: - Marguerite, Edith Christy, Trollope's Victoria, and Arthur. The latter does exceedingly well, but, unlike the other varieties named, does not produce a second crop.

Mr Bailey has a clean lot of young fruit trees, suitable for planting this season. The collection comprises all the leading kinds of peaches, apples, pears, plums, strawberries, etc. Besides the orchard, Mr Bailey has about [illegible] acres devoted to the growth of tomatoes, peas, pumpkins, maize, and other crops, suitable for feeding purposes. (Weekly Times of April 15, 1899, see here)

Sadly, the Bailey orchard has also gone and for the same reason as William Bailey's Malvern farm - the inexorable demands of an increasing population. 

Trove list - I have created a list of newspapers articles on the Bailey family, access it here.

(1) William's obituary in The Argus of January 3, 1923, see here, says he was engaged with his father in fruit growing. An article in The Leader of February 23, 1907, see here, says he was the son of a strawberry grower.
(2) Cooper, John Butler The City of Malvern: from its first settlement to a City (Speciality Press, 1935), p. 124.
(3) Quotes about the Rev Cole's garden from John Butler Cooper, p. 122 (see footnote 2). Information also from Thomas Coles' entry, written by Richard Aitken, in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, here and information about the Nurseries in The Australasian, August 19, 1876, here.
(4) The Leader, December 11, 1875, see here.
(5) The Leader, December 11, 1875, see here.
(6) The Leader, November 6, 1886, see here.
(7) The Leader, November 6, 1886, see here.
(8) William Bailey is listed as owning 50 acres from the 1891/1892 Shire of Berwick Rate Books. As all the children were born in Malvern I am assuming they moved after the birth of Ivy in 1893. This is confirmed by the fact that William is listed in the Malvern Rate Books (available on Ancestry.com) in 1893, but not 1894.
(9) Information from the Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages 
(10) Heritage of the City of Berwick: Identifying and caring for important places by Context P/L (City of Berwick, 1993)  

This is an expanded version, with new material, of a post which I wrote and researched, which appears on my work blog, Casey Cardinia Links to our Past

Alfred Hillman - first man to enlist from Pakenham for War Service

The Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth took place on May 12, 1937. This was celebrated all over the Commonwealth including in Pakenham where more than 1000 people competed in or witnessed a procession or gymkhana which had been arranged to mark the occasion. The streets were gay with bunting, and a spirit of carnival prevailed.  The report in the Pakenham Gazette continued with a list of the activities from the day including the best decorated vehicle competition, a colourful display by the men of the 52nd Battalion, foot races and, in the evening, a Ball which was held at the Pakenham Theatre (1).

Mr Hillman attended the Coronation celebrations on Pakenham, transcribed below.
Pakenham Gazette May 21, 1937, p. 3

The next week on May 21, 1937 the Pakenham Gazette had the following report  - Amongst the hundreds of interested  spectators who saw the Coronation procession at Pakenham last week was  Mr A. E. Hillman, of Pakenham, a member of the Australian Contingent which went to England in 1902 for the coronation of King Edward VII. Mr Hillman was in the Garrison Artillery and served in the Boer War from 1899 to 1901 under Major (afterwards General) Monash and was awarded the South African medal with six clasps. The Australian Coronation Contingent in 1902 comprised 150 officers and men, 42 of whom were selected from Victoria. The troops were away from Australia for about six months, and in addition to taking part on the Coronation festivities in London toured England and Scotland. Mr Hillman recalls many pleasant memories associated with the trip (2)As we can see from the short article, Alfred Ernest Hillman, not only witnessed the coronation of Edward VII but also served in the Boer War (also known as the South African War). 

Alfred was born in Drysdale in 1869 and had come to Pakenham with his parents, Edward and Eliza (nee Hopkins) Hillman in 1885 (3). His obituary in the Pakenham Gazette said that he had the distinction of being the first man to enlist from Pakenham for war service (4)

Alfred enlisted in the 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles (5).  He was awarded the South Africa medal with six clasps. This medal was officially called the Queen's South Africa medal and was awarded to all those who served. You can see the clasps on the photograph, at left. Each clasp represented a location (presumably where a battle took place?) such as Transvaal, Modder River, Johannesburg. The Defence Department, where this photograph comes from, has an explanation and description of the badge as well as a list of the twenty six clasps, here

The other interesting thing the Pakenham Gazette article notes was that Alfred served in the Boer War from 1899 to 1901 under Major (afterwards General) Monash. This is, of course, Sir John Monash, World War One General and later the General Manager of the State Electricity Commission. However, Monash's Australian Dictionary of Biography entry (see here) written by Geoffrey Searle, said that although Monash was a member of the  North Melbourne Battery of the Metropolitan Brigade of the Garrison Artillery, he did not volunteer for and was not invited to take part in the South African War.  Possibly, Alfred may have served under Monash in the Garrison Artillery before he went to South Africa. 

William came home from South Africa on the Tongariro; he and his fellow Victorians disembarked in Sydney and arrived by train at Spencer Street Station on May 2, 1901 (6). Alfred's obituary notes that after his War service, he resided in Melbourne, then he came back to this district [Pakenham], remaining here ever since (7).  On June 29, 1904, Alfred married Eva Murcutt at St Ignatius' Church in Richmond. They had two daughters, Eva Florence, born in 1905 and Winifred Mary, born in 1906, both in Richmond (8).

Marriage notice of Alfred Hillman to Eva Murcutt

In the Boer War nominal rolls (9) Alfred is listed with the service number of 252 the man with the service number of 253 is Joseph Murcutt, Eva's brother (10). Did Alfred and Joseph know each other before they enlisted or did they met in the recruiting office, become friends and then Joseph later introduced Alfred to his sister? Joseph also arrived home on the Tongariro, so perhaps Eva was part of the large crowd that met the returning soldiers at Spencer Street, and that is how Alfred and Eva first met. (11).

Alfred Hillman and his future brother-in-law, Joseph Murcutt.
Boer War Nominal Rolls for the 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Sadly, Alfred and Eva's marriage was short-lived as Eva died on July 25, 1906 at only 24 years of age. 

Death notice of Eva Hillman

In 1909, Alfred married Cecilia Elizabeth Smith (12). They had one son Alfred George, known as Fred, born in Pakenham in 1912 (13).  Alfred was very community minded and actively associated himself with many organisations in Pakenham - the Horticultural Society, where he was a foundation member; the Mechanics' Hall, Recreation Reserve, Cemetery Trust, St James Church, Racing Club and the Farmers' Union and the Country Party (14). Alfred was a farmer and in the last twenty three years of his life, his obituary noted that he operated a poultry farm in Main Street, near the railway station (15).

Alfred Hillman's Poultry farm at Pakenham

Alfred died on October 15, 1947, aged 78. He was  survived by his wife Cecilia; daughter Eva; daughter and son-in-law, Winnie and Ted Law and their daughter Enid; and son Fred. Cecilia died on November 5, 1978. Alfred and Cecilia were cremated and they are interred at the Springvale Botanical Cemetery (16).

Death notices for Alfred

(1) Pakenham Gazette, May 14 1937, p. 3
(2) Alfred's obituary in the Pakenham Gazette, October 17, 1947, p. 6 lists his place of birth and date of arrival in Pakenham. Edward Hillman and Eliza Hopkins had the following children, the first two were born in England and the rest on the Bellarine Peninsula (information from the Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages).
Albert Edward (1861-1907)
Francis John (1863 - 1949)
Adeline Mary (1865 - 1956, married William Ferguson in 1898)
Julia Anne (1867 - 1934, married Martin John Hitchins in 1892)
Alfred Ernest (1869 - 1947)
Edward Hopkins (1871 - 1931)
Florence Emily (1871 - 1954, married Robert Francis Lovibond in 1906)
Edith Augusta (1876 - 1876)
Maud Alice (1877 - 1947, married John Charles Whitmore in 1908)
Ida May (1882 - 1909, married James Luke Rees in 1908)
Edward died March 21, 1920, aged 86; Eliza died in 1930, aged 93. They are buried at Pakenham Cemetery.
(3) Pakenham Gazette, October 17, 1947. p. 6. Obituary transcription - 
Pakenham Mourns Death of Mr. A. E. Hillman
With feelings of the deepest regret we record the fact that Mr Alfred Ernest Hillman passed away at his residence, Main Street, Pakenham East, shortly before midnight last Tuesday, at the age of 78 years. Mr Hillman had not enjoyed particularly good health for some years, but carried on his business as a poultry farmer as formerly, and on the day of his death appeared to be in his usual state of health. However, he became seriously ill late in the evening and passed away shortly afterwards.
By his death Pakenham has lost one of its oldest and most highly esteemed residents.
He was born at Drysdale, and coming to Pakenham with his parents 62 years ago, he spent the greater part of his life in this district and won the high regard of all who knew him.
He had the distinction of being the first man to enlist from Pakenham for war service. He served with the Australian contingent in the South African War at the beginning of this century, and shortly afterwards was selected as one of the soldiers to represent Australia at the Coronation celebrations in London.
For some time after his return from England he resided in Melbourne, then he came back to this district, remaining here ever since.
Although in recent years Mr Hillman has confined his public activities mainly to various producers’ organisations, in his younger days he actively associated himself with practically every public body in Pakenham. With his death Pakenham loses one o f the few surviving members of the Horticultural Society’s first committee. The Mechanics’ Institute, Recreation Reserve, Cemetery Trust, St. James’ Church of England, and the Racing Club were other bodies which had claimed his keen interest and help, and he was also prominently connected with the Farmers’ Union and the Country Party.
For the past 23 years he had engaged very successfully in poultry farming.
Kindly and helpful by nature, Mr Hillman had a host of friends throughout the district, and the news of his death was received with widespread and deep regret.
The sympathy of the whole community goes out to his wife, son and two daughters in the great loss they have sustained.
The funeral, which was largely attended, took place at Springvale yesterday, Rev. W.P. Daunt officiating at the Crematorium Chapel. Messrs W.J. Garnar and Son had charge of the funeral arrangements.
(4) Pakenham Gazette, October 17, 1947. p. 6
(5) Boer War Nominal Rolls, available on the Australian War Memorial website, see here.
(6) Tongariro Contingent in The Argus, May 3, 1901- Back from the War, here; List of Returned Soldiers, here.
(7) Pakenham Gazette, October 17, 1947. p. 6.
(8) Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages.
(9) Boer War Nominal Rolls, see here.
(10) Eva was the daughter of William John and Eva Susannah (nee Ratcliffe) Murcutt. They had thirteen children between 1881 and 1908 - Joseph who enlisted with Alfred was the first child, born in 1881 and Eva was the second oldest, born in 1882 (information from the Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages)
(11) As per Footnote 6.
(12) Cecilia (1887 - 1978) was born in Pakenham, the daughter of Oscar and Elizabeth (nee Flower) Smith. Oscar was a blacksmith in Pakenham, he died in 1935 aged 77, you can read his obituary in the Dandenong Journal of October 10, 1935, here. Elizabeth died in 1955, aged 91 and is buried at Pakenham Cemetery with her husband.
(13) Alfred's children - Eva Florence (1905 - 1999, married William Thomas Tonkin in 1954); Winifred Mary (1906 - 1983, married Edward Leslie Law in 1930); Alfred George 'Fred' (1912 - 1986).  (information from the Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages)
(14) Obituary - Pakenham Gazette, October 17, 1947, p. 6
(15) Obituary - Pakenham Gazette, October 17, 1947, p. 6; There was also a short obituary in the Dandenong Journal of October 29, 1947, see here.
(16) Death notice - The Argus, October 16 1947, see here.

A version of this post, which I wrote and researched, appears on my work blog, Casey Cardinia Commemorates: Our War Years blog

Monday, May 1, 2023

The mystery of Minihan's Road, Cranbourne

Monahan's Road is in Cranbourne; it runs from Sladen Street up to Breens Road. There is a park on Monahan's Road called Minihan's Reserve. However, Monahan's Road was originally called Minihan's Road after the Minihan family.  So, the mystery is why is it now known as Monahan's Road and what happened to Minihan's Road?

1963 aerial of Cranbourne (photograph taken December 14, 1963).
Monahan's Road is on the left hand side of the photograph, and ends at what appears to be a ploughed area, but is now, I think, part of SP Ausnet Cranbourne Terminal Station. You can see the beginnings of a new housing estate, centered either side of Camms Road, to the left of the Railway Line. This includes streets such as Evelyne Avenue, Virginia Avenue, Rosalie Avenue etc. Also off Camms Road and between the railway line and the South Gippsland Highway, you can see the development of Circle Drive, to the north of this is Clairmont Avenue and Fenfield Street . What looks like a quarry is now Donnelly Reserve.

Detail of page 128 of the 1973 Edition 6 of the Melway Street Directory. 
Monahans Road is just to the left of blue Cranbourne heading.

The Minihan family were listed in the Shire of Cranbourne Rate Books from 1863 (the first year we have access to these records), when William Minihan is shown as owning 54 acres in Section 5, Lot 9 in the Parish of Lyndhurst. The general location is shown on the Parish Plan, below.

Detail of Lyndhust Parish Plan - the star marks Section 9, the location of the Minihan property.
Lyndhurst, County of Mornington / drawn and reproduced at the Department of Lands and Survey, Melbourne.

Cranbourne residents, 1930s and 1940s
This is a sketch map produced for the publication of the book Cranbourne: a town with a history, published by the City of Casey in 1996. (You can access an on-line copy of this book here). A long term Cranbourne resident, Mrs Joan Kelsall, identified the location of Cranbourne residents in the 1930s and 1940s and shows John Minihan's house on Monahan's Road.

William Minihan married Mary Coffee in 1854 in Limerick in Ireland and they very soon after migrated to Victoria. The had nine children, I can't find the registration records for them all, so some dates are a educated guess - 
Mary Ann - died aged four months old in 1855 in Collingwood.
Patrick - born c.1856 and died in 1926 in Cranbourne, aged 70.
Mary Ann - born c.1858 and died aged 5 years old in Cranbourne in 1863.
John - born c.1860 and died aged 3 years old in Cranbourne in 1863.
Catherine - born 1862, birth registered at Lyndhurst and died in 1947 at Northcote, aged 84. 
Mary Ann - born c. 1864 and died aged 32 in Cranbourne in 1896. 
John - born 1866, birth registered at Lyndhurst and died in 1936 in Dandenong, aged 69.
Ellen Francis - born 1868, birth registered at Cranbourne and died in 1898 in Cranbourne, aged 31.  Johanna - born 1870, birth registered at Cranbourne; married Patrick McGrath in 1896 and died 1964 in Murrumbeena aged 94. 

William died on January 25, 1911 and Mary died March 10, 1905 and they are both buried at Cranbourne Cemetery, along with some of their children.  William's Probate papers showed he owned various parcels of  land in the area - in the Parish of Langwarrin - Crown Allotment (CA) 7A of 100 acres, CA 7B of 20 acres and CA 7C of 16 acres, all with no improvements other than fencing. I believe this land is off  Brown's Road, east of Smith's Road in Cranbourne South. 

Detail of Langwarrin Plan, showing William Minihan's property.
Langwarrin, State Library of Victoria http://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/160492

William's land in the Parish of Lyndhurst consisted of - 27 acres part of Crown portions 9 and 10, lot B, with a four roomed weather-board house, hay shed, barn and stable; 26 acres, Lot 4 of Crown Portion 9 with a wattle and daub house and 2 acres of orchards; 26 acres Lot 5 of Crown Portion 9 with a cow shed and fencing; 26 acres Lot 8, Crown Portion 7 with fencing. All up the land was valued at just over £1474 and he also had furniture and tools valued at £17.  

We know from William's Will and from the Shire of Cranbourne Rate books that William, John, Patrick and later Catherine Minihan owned land in Crown Allotments 7, 9 and 10 from at least 1863  until 1936 and we know that this is exactly the same area where Monahan's Road is today

Minihan entry, Shire of Cranbourne Rate books 1925-1926.

Minihan entry, Shire of Cranbourne Rate books 1935-1966.

There are newspaper references to show that there was once a road called Minihans's Road in Cranbourne, as we can see below.

Cranbourne Shire contract to form and gravel Minihan's Road 
South Bourke and Mornington Journal, November 7 1900 http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article70046498

Cranbourne Shire Engineer's report. The name has been spelt incorrectly, bit still clearly referring to the road where the Minihan family lived.
Dandenong Advertiser September 6 1917 http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article88818645

Death notice of John Minihan in 1936, of Minihan's Road, Cranbourne

There is clear evidence that Monahan's Road was originally called Minihan's Road. We know that there used to be a Minihan's Road in Cranbourne; we know that the Minihan family lived on what is now called Monahan's Road and that they owned land on either side of Monahan's Road for seventy years. The mystery is, why was it changed? I do not know, but I suspect it was just slackness in regard to the spelling and the wrong spelling was eventually accepted.

And what is even more ironic, is that the road near their Cranbourne South property, Crown Allotments 7A, 7B and 7C, Parish of Langwarrin, referred to above, seems also to have been known locally  Minahan's Road or South Lyndhurst Road. There is no possibility that the reference below would refer to what is now Monahan's Road. 

A reference to Minahan's Road in South Lyndhurst (now Cranbourne South_.
Dandenong Advertiser, August 9 1917 http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article88818493

What are the chances that an early land owning family in the Cranbourne area could, over 100 years ago have had two roads named for them and now there are none? In sporting parlance, if I was a Minihan, I would say 'we was robbed'.

Sources - Shire of Cranbourne Rate books; Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages; Minihan family trees on Ancestry.com;  Willian Minihan's Probate papers at the Public Records Office of Victoria, see here.

A version of this post, which I wrote and researched, appears on my work blog, Casey Cardinia Links to Our Past

Friday, April 21, 2023

Church of Christ, Scientist churches in St Kilda Road, Camberwell and Elsternwick

I was driving around Elsternwick recently with a friend, and we went down Gordon Street (which as I found out runs at the back of Ripponlea mansion) and across the way, saw an interesting looking building with an unusual tower. When I got home, I typed 'Elsternwick Church' into the State Library of Victoria website to try to identify it, and this photo of the building came up. The building was the Third Church of Christ Scientist, Melbourne and it is in Ripon Grove. The name comes from the fact that this was the third Christian Science Congregation in Melbourne. This post looks at the first three Christian Science Church buildings in Melbourne (1).

Third Church of Christ, Scientist, Melbourne in Elsternwick.
Commercial Photographic Company photographer.
Harold Paynting Collection, State Library of Victoria Image H2009.177/18

In 1922, The Herald published a short history of the denomination in Melbourne - 
The first record of Christian Science in Melbourne is the following advertisement which appeared in the local papers of June 4, 1898:- "Christian Science (as taught by Mrs Eddy) Meeting, Sunday afternoon, June 5, at three o'clock, Victoria Buildings, 80 Swanston street." A few persons attended the meeting, and this was the beginning of Christian Science in this State. After holding several meetings in Victoria Buildings, the small band moved to Oxford Chambers, Bourke street, where the first regular Sunday service was held July 20, 1898. The society thus formed eventually disbanded, and on February 28, 1903, thirteen members of the Mother Church met at Oxford Chambers and organised the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Melbourne. (2).

First Church of Christ, Scientist, in St Kilda Road, Melbourne, c. 1920s.
Photographer: Ruth Hollick.
State Library of Victoria Image H93.500/10

The First Church of Christ, Scientist congregation held services at the Athenaeum Hall in Collins Street, until their new Church was built on St Kilda Road, on the corner of Dorcas Street (3). The Argus reported on this new building which was officially opened May 7, 1922 -  
The design was prepared by Messrs. Bates, Peebles, and Smart, and the contract price was £25,000 to which must be added £5,000 for the land. The treatment is in  the free classic style, with the classic feeling specially emphasised by a columned portico of the Ionic order. To relieve severity of line, the large semi-circular windows have curved pediments. An additional relief is afforded by a dome roofed with copper plating specially treated so as to give it a metallic green surface. The building is in two storeys, the upper being used for the church services. Here then will be accommodation for 600 persons. The lower story, which it slightly smaller, will serve as a Sunday school.... An unusual feature for a church is the lift. This, it is explained, is provided for the benefit of those infirm members of the communium [sic] who attend the faith healing services. (4).

On October 11, 1925, the Dedication services of this Church were conducted as Christian Science churches are not dedicated until the churches are free from debt. (5)The Church was extended in 1934, with the work complete in the March, and The Argus had this report -
Although not included in the original design of the church, the additional block has been designed in the same free classical style as the main building and the Sunday school block. Complete conformity of style between the main building and the new block has been the object of the architects, Messrs. Bates, Smart, and McCutcheon, who designed the original building in 1920 (6).  The building is still in use by the Christian Scientists. 

First Church of Christ, Scientist, in St Kilda Road, Melbourne, 1970.
Photographer: Mark Strizic
State Library of Victoria Image H2011.55/1433

The Second Church of  Christ, Scientist in Melbourne was established by only 19 members in the middle of 1924, to relieve the overflowing congregations of First Church, Melbourne. (7)The congregation held services at the Masonic Hall in Launder Street, in Hawthorn and later erected  a substantial church in Cookson Street, Camberwell, which was opened November 22, 1936. This building was designed by the firm of Bates, Smart and McCutcheon. The building won the firm the Street Architecture Medal for 1938. The award, presented by the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects, was to encourage excellence of design in street architecture. (8).
The Age reported -
In recommending the award of the medal the jury reported that the building illustrates the architectural dignity which may be achieved with simplicity of massing, well proportioned voids and the judicious placing of appropriate enrichment. Elimination rather than decoration tends to characterise accepted standards of good architecture to-day, and this building reveals a particularly happy balance between these two considerations. It represents a satisfactory solution to the architectural problem of a modern church without resort to traditional ecclesiastical motifs. The chief interest in the front elevation centres in three large vertical openings which feature glazed decorative wrought iron screens, superbly designed and executed. Unity of design has been produced with cream toned bricks used throughout the exterior, even to the cornices and ornamental features over the doorways, the large plain surfaces being relieved with horizontal, recessed bands at regular intervals. (9).

Second Church of  Christ, Scientist, at Camberwell. 
Image: Building : the magazine for the architect, builder, property owner and merchant.
Vol. 60 No. 355 (12 March, 1937) From Trove. 

The Church could seat 450 people and included features such as double glazing, theatre-style seating, automatically controlled heating and ventilation and a lift. On September 2, 1945 the Dedication services were held as the Church, erected at a cost of more than £16,000, was debt free (10).   The building is still in use by the Christian Scientists. 

This brings us to the Third Church of Christ, Scientist, at 12 Ripon Grove,  Elsternwick. This church
was formed on account of the crowding, for the second time, of  First Church of Christ, Scientist, Melbourne (corner St. Kilda Road and Dorcas Street). To relieve the congestion somewhat, 30 members of that church living southwards from Balaclava withdrew and organised Third Church, and began holding their services in the Masonic Hall, St. George's Road, Elsternwick, in February, 1927 (11).

In  August 1928, they purchased land in Ripon Grove and by February 1929 the congregation had paid off the debt; the building of the grand Romanesque-style edifice commenced in August 1930 and it was officially opened on June 28, 1931.  The Church and furnishings were designed by architect, Louis R. Williams of Little Collins Street and the completed cost was £12,000. (12).  Louis Williams was a noted Church Architect - other examples of his work are Anglican Churches in Flemington (1925), Albert Park (1925);  Frankston (1933), Alexandra (1937), Harrietville (1938), Caulfield (1939), Mansfield (1940) and Box Hill (1952) and Presbyterian Churches at Murrumbeena (1933) and Ormond (1937). Louis Reginald Williams died March 1980, aged 89 (13). 

The Herald described the Third Church of Christ, Scientist at Elsternwick thusly - 
In tone, the whole of the church is mellow, the walls being of clinker brick, with roofing tiles of chocolate to harmonise. Violent contrast in colors has been avoided. The outline of the main front, facing Rippon [sic] Grove, although not symmetrical, yet presents a sympathetic building up in
varying heights leading up to and culminating in the corner tower, a distinguishing feature from many viewpoints. In plan the edifice is two storied, the church being built over the Sunday school. The ground floor foyer, paved with carefully selected tones of Terazzo, leads to a double flight of concrete stairs taking one to the upper foyer and so to the church auditorium. The nave of the church will accommodate about 450 persons.

The whole of the walling is panelled, the design being arranged so as to link up with and form part of the seating construction. The roof is of the open timbered variety, heavy semi-circular trusses sweeping overhead from floor to roof: these, together with the large arches of the transept and crossing, create an impressive interior, severe and dignified. Pressed cement tracery windows give due accentuation to the church. Leaded glass of interesting formation is provided, while the mellow toned glass diffuses a soft light over the whole, harmonising with the softly textured plaster of the walls. The accommodation of this upper floor also provides for a board room, committee room, clerk's room, ushers' room, and rooms for the readers, organist and soloist, and organ chamber and staircase hall leading to the gallery.

On the ground door, besides the Sunday school, which is equal in size to that of the church, there are provided three committee rooms, cloak room, reading room and retiring rooms. Provision has been made throughout the building for heating by electricity, and sound proofing. (14).

On April 15, 1945 the Dedication services were held at the Elsternwick Church, as it was debt free. (15).

Third Church of Christ, Scientist, Melbourne in Elsternwick.
Image: Third Church of Christ, Scientist as published in  From sand, swamp and heath...a history of Caulfield (16). 

The building is no longer used by the Christian Scientists. I don't have an exact date as to when they ceased using the building, but as the advertisement below shows, they were still active in November 1986, as a free lecture was held in the building, but after that I cannot find any advertised Christian Science activities held in Ripon Grove. By July 1988 the building was occupied by the Australian College of Metaphysical Studies. 

Christian Science lecture held at Third Church of Christ, Scientist, in November 1986
The Age November 6, 1986. p. 52, from newspapers.ocm

July 1988 - Third Church of Christ, Scientist, now occupied by 
Australian College of Metaphysical Studies
The Age, July 9, 1988 p. 160, from newspapers.com

I love Church architecture and I have an interest in the social history of churches and the much larger role Churches used to play in the social life (as well as the Spiritual life) of the community, so this has been an fascinating piece of research for me. The other thing to note is just how much Church news appeared in the newspapers in the past -  reports of sermons, photographs and information on new Church buildings; information about the Ministers  and Priests; service times - it was all reported. 

Trove list - I have created a list of articles on Trove connected to the building of the first three Church of Christ, Scientist churches in Melbourne,  access it here

(1) For more on Christian Science https://christiansciencevictoria.com.au/
(2) The Herald, May 6, 1922, see here.
(3) Ibid
(4) The Argus, May 4, 1922, see here.
(5) The Argus, October 14, 1925, see here.
(6) The Argus, March 15, 1934, see here.
(7) The Age, September 4, 1945, see here.
(8) Box Hill Reporter, September 10, 1926, see here; The Age, November 21, 1936, see here; Street Medal criteria -  The Herald, January 18, 1928, see here
(9) The Age, March 25, 1939, see here.
(10) The Argus, October 23, 1936, see here; The Age, September 4, 1945, see here.
(11) The Herald, May 13, 1931, see here.
(12) The Herald, May 13, 1931, see here; The Argus, June 29, 1931, see heregrand romanesque quote from City of Glen Eira Thematic Environmental History (Refresh) 2020, p. 100.   https://www.gleneira.vic.gov.au/media/7583/glen-eira-c214glen-city-of-glen-eira-thematic-environmentla-history-refresh-2020.pdf  
(13) Various references on Trove; Louis Reginald Williams - Melbourne University - https://minerva-access.unimelb.edu.au/items/e97e135c-b251-50a1-a553-d4e8a18eaa4a/full 
(14) The Herald, May 13,  1931, see here.
(15) The Age, April 16, 1945, see here.
(16) Murray, John R and Wells, John C From sand, swamp and heath...a history of Caulfield (City of Caulfield, 1980), p. 222.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Emil Heinrich Schellenberger aka Emile Henry Shelley

Emil Heinrich Schellenberger was born on June 17, 1869 at the family home and business, the Bakers' Arms Hotel in Sandhurst, as Bendigo was once called. He was the fifth child and fifth son of George and Wilhelmina (nee Herold) Schellenberger. When Emil died in 1944 in Warragul, he was known as Emile Henry Shelley and he generously left his estate to the people of Bunyip for the beautification and advancement of the township. This is his story and I am sorry to say that I don't have  a photograph of him. 

His father, George Schellenberger was born June 27, 1826 in Merxheim, Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany.  George arrived in Sandhurst in 1852 and he returned to his birth town in 1862 where on November 27 he married Wilhemina, who had been born on August 8, 1841. Their eight children, were all born in Bendigo; Emil's birth being followed by two sisters and another brother (1).

George Schellenberger - a member of the Society of the Old Bendigonians, 
residents who were in Bendigo up to December 31, 1853 (2) 
State Library of Victoria Image H26099/99

George was a successful businessman - a Master Baker and later a Publican, but the family endured many tragedies - their third son, Albert, died in 1867 aged only 11 months; their second son, Friedrich, died in 1871 aged 6 years and five months; George himself died of cancer on January 27, 1876, when he was only 47. This was followed by the death of the eldest daughter, Wilhelmina in 1877 at the age of five years and nine months. Then tragedy struck again with the death of George's wife and the mother of the children, Wilhelmina, when she died August 18, 1878 aged 37. This left the five remaining children as orphans, ranging from 15 years to three years old (3).

What did they do? Wilhelmina had remarried in May 1877 to Wilhelm Beischer (4). Did the children remain with him or was their another relative who looked after them? I cannot tell you. 

There are a some references to Emil in the newspapers - this first one from December 1883, when he was only 14 years old, tells us about his musical talent and his love of  performing and entertaining which he had all his life -
A performance was given in Weeroona Hall on 12th December, in aid of the Bendigo Hospital, by the Weeroona Dramatic Club. The hall was kindly lent by Mr. Beiseher, and was well
filled. Songs by H. Lethbridge, E. Schellenberger and F. Apted were rendered in good style. The farce "Bruised and Cured" by H. Lethbridge aud W. J. Gissing caused great laughter. The programme concluded with the side-splitting farce entitled " Grand-mudder's Ghost," which was well rendered by F. and E. Schellenberger, Gissing, and Apted, the audience being kept in roars of laughter until the curtain was drawn. (5).

In May 1884 a report of the monthly meeting of the Bendigo United Friendly Societies' Dispensary and Medical Institute noted that the executive committee of the Dispensary reported that they had appointed Mr. E. Schellenberger, on probation as apprentice and in February 1885 it was reported that the Pharmacy Board had registered his apprenticeship indentures (6).

The Bendigo Advertiser reported further on his career in June 1889 -
Pharmaceutical Examinations - We observe by the "Argus" that several Sandhurst students have been successful in passing their examinations before the Pharmacy Board of Victoria this month. Mr. J. W. B. Pedley has passed his final examination as pharmaceutical chemist; also Mr. F. W. Waller and Mr. Alex Rae Downes. Mr. Emil Schellenberger is one of six successful out of eleven candidates for the intermediate examination in materia medica and Botany. All these four gentlemen have been students at the School of Mines here, and three of them, viz.: Messrs. Pedley, Schellenberger and Downes were pupils attending the lectures of Mr Lillie Mackay, director of the school. Mr. Waller studied under Mr. E. L. Marks.(7). 

By 1891, Emil had completed his studies and was leasing 128 Clarendon Street, South Melbourne, where he operated a Chemist Shop. He was involved in many local organisations in South Melbourne, including the Australian Natives Association, a committee member of the South Melbourne Cricket Club,  President of the South Melbourne Cricket Club Skittle Club and as his obituary in the Emerald Hill Record noted - During the 'nineties he was treasurer of the South Melbourne Football Club and was instrumental in persuading Mr. Bert Howson to join up with the Red and Whites (8).  Bert was a champion wingman for South Melbourne over 17 seasons which comprised the club's last six in the VFA, and its first 11 in the VFL. He was supremely unfortunate in that he began his senior career the year after South's last VFA flag, and ended it the season before the club's first premiership in the VFL. However, he made amends to some extent when, after being appointed non-playing coach of the red and whites in 1918, he led them to a flag at the first time of asking. (9).  

As a Chemist, Emil was very pro-active and advertised on a regular basis in the local papers and in return they gave him favourable editorial space, such as this -
An Enterprising Chemist - We desire to call our readers' attention to the fact that Mr. E. H. Schellenberger has obtained the local agency for the celebrated Chamberlain Medicines, which are manufactured by the Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A.. This company is one of the oldest and most reliable in America, and come highly recommended to the people of South Melbourne, and to make their remedies a household article through this district they have made an advertising contract which will appear in the columns of this paper during the next year. The line of remedies they manufacture is of a class that should be found in every home, since they are for the most common ailments such as every family have use for some time during the year. (10).

One of Emil's advertisements
Emerald Hill Record April 15, 1899 https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/108490259

However not content to being just an enterprising chemist, in 1897, the Emerald Hill Record advised its readers that -
The attention of the public is directed to an advertisement by Mr. Emil Schellenberger, the well-known chemist, of Clarendon-Street, who having undergone a training at the Dental College of Victoria, has commenced practice as a surgical and mechanical dentist in all the branches of the profession. (11).

Emil's advertisement for his Dental practice
Emerald Hill Record April 21, 1900 http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article108492093

On August 1, 1899 at his home 50 Howe Crescent, South Melbourne, 30 year-old Emil married 22 year-old Ethel Jane Whylie McCann. The minister was the Reverend Canon Dickinson. Ethel had been born in Stawell and was the daughter of Thomas Johnston  and Elizabeth (nee Gendall) McCann (12). One of the witnesses was Burley Peet, who was to marry  Emil's sister Henrietta, on August 23 the same year (13). 

On May 11, 1900 Ethel gave birth to their daughter, Minnie Ethel, at Howe Crescent.  Sadly Minnie passed away on January 10, 1904 at the age of three years, eight months. She was to be their only child (14).  By this time, due to the renumbering of South Melbourne streets which took place sometime between 1900 and 1905,  the business and their residence was now 224 Clarendon Street (15). 

Death notice for little Minnie, who died at 224 Clarendon Street.

Emil was, as we know, a talented musician and performer and there are many reports of his singing engagements as well as some of the social functions he attended with Ethel. Emil sang at a Pleasant Sunday Afternoon, organised by the local committee in aid of the s.s. Federal disaster fund; at an Independent Order of Foresters concert and at a Euchre party held the Albert Park Bowling Club. (16). In July 1905, the couple were guests at the Mayoral Ball, held at the South Melbourne Town Hall; Ethel wore ivory duchesse satin, relieved with chiffon. In the July of the next year, they were invited to a Mayoral 'At Home', also held at the Town Hall. This time Ethel wore cream merv, chiffon bertha, scarlet flower - merv being a silk material and bertha being a deep falling collar attached to a low-necked dress. (17). 

In 1907, Emil established a factory for the manufactory for rubber goods located on the corner of Meaden and Douglas streets and he still had that business in 1915. A year later in 1908 the couple left for Europe for an extended holiday - the dentistry practice was taken over an Alfred Deakin and the rubber goods factory was managed by J. E. McCann - Ethel's brother (18). The couple returned to South Melbourne at some time, they were certainly back by 1911, as there are references in the paper to Ethel's involvements in the South Melbourne Cricket Club Ladies Bowling Club (19). 

In February 1913,  Emil and Ethel travelled overseas again, as The Herald reported  - Mr E. H. Schellenberger... has decided to follow a musical career. He will leave by the Afric, and will go to Germany to pursue his studies on the 'cello. For three years Mr Schellenberger was a member of Mr Marshall Hall's orchestra.  George William Louis Marshall-Hall (1862-1915) was the Professor of Music at Melbourne University and conducted his orchestra from 1892 until 1912. (20). 

I don't know how long they were overseas for, but they are listed in the 1917 Electoral Rolls at Mitford Street in Elwood. There is one change though - presumably due to anti-German feeling the couple are now  known as Emile Henry and Ethel Shelley. From 1918 until sometime in 1922, the Shelley's were in Yea, where he operated a Chemist shop.  Not surprisingly, Emile was involved in musical performances at Yea on occasions - at a farewell to the Reverend Falconer, of St Luke's Church of England, a violin and 'cello duet by Messrs Taylor and Shelley was well rendered and well received and at a Peace Ball held in October 1919 - The Yea Orchestra, consisting of violin (Mr R. Taylor), 'cello (Mr E. H. Shelley), bass violin (Mr C. Sheppard), cornet (Mr A. Lonsdale), and piano (Miss J. Bett) provided excellent music for the twenty odd dances, which made the evening still more enjoyable.(21).

Emile Shelley's advertisement for his Yea Chemist shop
Yea Chronicle, December 23, 1920 https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/60451376

After their return from Yea, the couple are listed in the Electoral Roll at 11 Vautier Street in Elwood. Then they made another move to a country town, this time Bunyip. The Shire of Berwick Rate Books show that on June 17 1925, Emil took over the Chemist shop in the town and purchased a house. 

Emile and Ethel soon involved themselves in the community - Emile was a member of the Bunyip Progress Association, the Agricultural Society and the Cricket, Tennis and Football Clubs. Ethel was a committee member of the Australian Women's National League and an inaugural member of the Bunyip Country Women's Association (22). However, life in a country town had its downsides. The Dandenong Journal reported on the following letter Ethel Shelley wrote to the Berwick Shire in 1942 - 
“Are there any by-laws limiting the extent of farming in a residential area (George street).? wrote Mrs. E. Shelley, Bunyip to the Berwick Shire council last Friday. ‘I can honestly say I have not had a proper, night’s rest for some weeks,” she went on. Late at night and early morning, white leghorn roosters start crowing - as well as cows.”....Mrs. Shelley added that animals near a private house bring flies and mosquitoes - “and we have plenty, of both,” she wound up. Sadly for Ethel the Council responded that they had no by-law covering the matter.  (23)

In 1948 Ethel Shelley was photographed at Mrs Pye and Mrs  at the recently
opened Country Women's Association Club in Lansell Road, Toorak. The caption reads Mrs Pye and Mrs Shelley pause beside a fountain. Mrs Shelley, who is very fond of flowers, says the garden is a delight. She was one of the first members of the CWA in Bunyip, "The Club is wonderful - It fills a long-felt want," she tells Mrs Pye

Emile Shelley died on January 8, 1944 at the Warragul Hospital (24). The contents of his will were detailed in a letter his Trustees sent to the Berwick Shire Secretary -
“We beg to advise that the company is applying for probate of the will of Emile Henry Shelley, late of Bunyip, retired chemist, who died on the 8th. ult. Under the will, the whole of the estate, both real and personal, is devised and bequeathed upon trust for the widow, for life without impeachment of waste. On the death of the widow, the sum of £1000 is payable to the trustee for the time being of the Bunyip Mechanics’ Institute, and £1000 to the trustees of the Bunyip Agricultural Society.

The remainder of the estate is to be known as the Emile Henry Shelley Trust and is bequeathed upon trust as to capital and income to be administered by the trustee and expended as it in its absolute discretion shall decide for the beautification and advancement of the township of Bunyip, and the trustees may seek the advice of F. S. Dodge, J. A. Cock, G. B. Calderwood, all of Bunyip, or the survivor or survivors of them. From data prepared to date it would appear that the value of the trust will be in the vicinity of £7000, but it will be appreciated that this figure may vary by the time the trust is established."  (25).

It was a very generous donation to the town. When Ethel Shelley died at the age of 71, on June 3, 1950 at her home in George Street, Bunyip, Emile's bequests could then be enacted upon (26). It was reported that when the Hall received the magnificent bequest [it] automatically liquidated the hall overdraft, leaving a credit of £475. When the hall was re-built the late Mr. Shelley donated the portico at the main entrance. The original Hall  burnt down on March 14, 1940 and the new Hall, with Mr Shelley's portico, opened on October 8, 1942. (27).

Bunyip Hall, which opened October 1942. The portico was donated by Emile Shelley.
Image: Call of the Bunyip; History of Bunyip, Iona and Tonimbuk 1847-1990 by Denise Nest

Emile's plaque at the Bunyip Hall. 
I'll take a better photo of it one day,

There was a challenge to the Will as reported in The Argus in December 1952 -
The Full High Court today ruled that a man's bequest of £9,600 should be used for the "beautification and advancement" of Bunyip, Victoria. The man, Emile Henry Shelley, died in 1944. He bequeathed his estate to his widow in trust until her death. Shelley directed that when his wife died the money should be used for Bunyip's beautification and advancement. When Mrs. Shelley died in 1950, next of kin contested the will in the Supreme Court of Victoria. Judge Coppel held that the purpose of the will was "good and charitable." The next-of-kin's fight ended today, when the Full High Court upheld Judge Coppel's ruling. (28)Who was the next of kin who challenged the Will? More on this later. 

The Trustees of the Emile Henry Shelley Trust made a decision in 1957 that  the money should go towards a Hospital. The Shelley Memorial Hospital Society was established in 1960 and the Shelley Memorial Hospital at Bunyip was officially opened on March 19, 1966, a fitting tribute to a community minded man. In the first two years of operation, 100 babies were born at the Hospital. The Hospital closed on May 1, 1991, and the building is now part of Hillview Aged Care. (29). 

The Shelly Memorial Hospital, Bunyip.
Image: Call of the Bunyip; History of Bunyip, Iona and Tonimbuk 1847-1990 by Denise Nest

Emile was cremated at Springvale Crematorium and his ashes were interred with Minnie at the Melbourne General Cemetery, where Ethel was later buried. (30).  There was one mystery which temporarily perplexed me. Ethel's death notice (see below) listed her children as Lily, Charles, Mary and Edgar. And yet,  both death certificates list Minnie as their only child, and their marriage certificate states that neither were married before and had no previous children.  Lily, Charles, Mary and Edgar  are actually her siblings and Vi Barber is Ethel's niece, the daughter of her sister Mary (31).  It would be interesting to know who challenged Emile's will - he had two surviving siblings, Ferdinand and Herbert;  Ethel had the one surviving sibling, Edgar, did they feel they were entitled to the Estate or was it nieces and nephews on either side? I cannot tell you. 

Emile's death notice 

Ethel's death notice, which mistakenly lists her siblings as her children.

The town of Bunyip would be grateful for the generosity of Emile and Ethel Shelley, as the during the 25 years the Hospital operated it provided employment for the local community, in a caring local hospital used for the treatment of illness, for operations and for the delivery of babies. 

Trove List - I have created a list of newspapers articles on Trove on the  Schellenberger / Shelley family. Access it here

(1) A source on Ancestry.com - Geneanet Community Trees Index - lists George and Wilhemina's Birth and Marriage locations as Merxheim, Meisenheim-Birkenfeld, Rheinland Pfalz, Allemagne; George's arrival date in Bendigo Advertiser, February 23, 1876, see here. Their children were - George Frederick (1863 - died in Kalgoorlie, W.A in 1931); Friedrich (1864-1871); Albert Wilhelm (1866-1867); Ferdinand (1867 - died in Cheltenham, Vic, in 1955); Emile; Wilhemina Maria (1871-1877); Henrietta Margaratha (1873- died in Beechworth in 1931, married Burley Peet in 1899); Herbert Luie (1874 - died in Belmont, W.A. in 1952). 
(2) Old Bedigonians - Bendigo Advertiser, September 28 1870, see here.
(3) Victorian Indexes to Births, Deaths and Marriages; family notices in the newspaper, see my Trove list, here.
(4) Bendigo Advertiser, June 11, 1877, see here. In 1882, when he was 38 years old,  Wilhelm married 25 year old Henrietta Friswell and they had eight children together. 
(5) Bendigo Advertiser, December 17, 1883, see here.
(6) Bendigo Advertiser, May 24, 1884, see here; The Argus, February 13, 1885, see here.
(7) Bendigo Advertiser, June 15, 1889, see here.
(8) City of South Melbourne Rate Books on Ancestry.com; involvement with community groups - see references in my Trove list, here; Obituary - Emerald Hill Record, January 15 1944, see here.
(9) Bert Howson -  Entry by John Devaney on Australianfootball.com - here 
(10) Emerald Hill Record, April 15 1899, see here
(11) Emerald Hill Record, May 1, 1897, see here
(13) Information from marriage certificate. Thomas Johnston McCann (1845-1928) married Elizabeth Gendall (1848-1937) in 1870. They had six children - Lily (1871-1892); Mary Helena (1873-1948, married James Taylor in 1894 and they had  three daughters - Mary Helena, Elsie Elizabeth and Violet May. Mary and James divorced in 1914 and she married William Gardner in 1928); Ethel; Thomas Johnston (1879-1883); Charles Edmund (1883-1918); John Edgar (1887 - died in New South Wales in 1961)
(13) The Argus, September 20, 1899, see here.
(14) Birth certificate; death notice The Argus, January 11, 1904, see here
(15) Sands McDougall entries for 1900 and 1905. Emil's shop - same location, different number. 

Location of Emil's shop in Clarendon Street, 1900
Sands and McDougall Melbourne and Suburban Directory for 1900.

Location of Emil's shop in Clarendon Street, 1905
Sands and McDougall Melbourne and Suburban Directory for 1905

(16) Singing engagements - see references in my Trove list, here.
(17) Mayoral Ball, Emerald Hill Record, July 22, 1905, see here; Mayoral 'At Home' Emerald Hill Record, July 14, 1906, see here. Definitions of merv and bertha - Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd edition, 1964.
(18) Manufactory for rubber goods -  Emerald Hill Record, February 16, 1907, see here; Emerald Hill Record, February 22, 1908, see here; The Age, July 24, 1908, see here.
(19) Emerald Hill Record, September 16, 1911, see here.
(20) The Herald, February 12, 1913, see here George William Louis Marshall-Hall (1862-1915) - Australian Dictionary of Biography entry, here 
(21) Electoral Rolls on Ancestry.com. Farewell to Reverend Falconer Yea Chronicle, July 17, 1919, see here; Yea Orchestra - Yea Chronicle, October 23, 1919, see here
(22) Nest, Denise The Call of the Bunyip: history of Bunyip, Iona & Tonimbuk, 1847-1990  (Bunyip History Committee, 1990), p. 195 and see also my Trove list, here
(23) Dandenong Journal, July 22, 1942, see here.
(24) Death certificate.
(25) Dandenong Journal, February 23, 1944, see here.
(26) Death certificate
(27) Dandenong Journal, November 8, 1950, see here;  Nest, Denise Bunyip Mechanics' Institute Hall 1906-2006: a place of learning and entertainment (published by the author, 2006) 
(28) The Argus, December 13, 1952, see here.
(29) Nest, Denise History of Shelley Memorial Hospital, A'Beckett Road, Bunyip 1930-1991 (Bunyip History Committe, 2000)
(31) See footnote 13