Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Hunt Train and the Melbourne Hunt Club

 In 1850, George John Watson, the founder and first Master of the Hounds of the Melbourne Hunt Club arrived in Melbourne (1). His father, John, was the Master of the Carlow Hounds in Ireland from 1808 until 1869. George also bought with him from Ireland a few couples of fox hounds from his father's kennels. In 1853, George acquired the best of the hounds from the disbanded Werribee and Corio Hunts and the Melbourne Hunt Club was established. The hounds were kept at Kirk's Bazaar (2). Kirk's Bazaar was a horse bazaar (or sale yard) in Bourke Street, between Queen and Elizabeth Streets. It was established in 1840 by James Kirk, and later taken over by Watson. George Watson, also owned the I.Y.U estate on the Toomuc Creek at Pakenham from 1866 until 1884 (3).

In the late 1850s George moved the hounds to East St Kilda, initially in Dandenong Road and then to Alma Road (4). The Club later moved to Neerim Road in Caulfield, then in 1885 to Mount Derrimut or Deer Park. In 1897 the Club again moved, this time to Oakleigh, on land between North Road and Centre Road. It was at Oakleigh until 1929, when it relocated to Cranbourne (5).  

In April 1929, The Herald reported -
The Melbourne Hunt Club has purchased the Fenwick estate at Cranbourne and intends to keep the kennels there. The estate was formerly owned by Mr A. T. Creswick, master of the hounds, and is considered an ideal site. The surrounding country is suitable for hunting. There are large paddocks of cleared land. (6).  By the September the Dandenong Journal noted that  the Melbourne Hunt Club has installed its hounds in the new kennels, at Cranbourne, and the “music of the pack” is now a feature of the locality. (7)

Melbourne Hunt Club at Dingley 
Having made the Cranbourne district its new headquarters, the Melbourne Hunt Club met yesterday at the picturesque old church at Dingley, five miles from Dandenong, for another trial run with the young hounds. In the foreground with the pack is the huntsman (Mr. Norman Wood). 

The Club were forced to move from one location to another due to development - the empty paddocks of St Kilda, then Caulfield, then Oakleigh became housing estates and this was the eventual fate of the Cranbourne land. In 1996 the Hunt Club buildings at Cranbourne were demolished or removed  -  two buildings are now in Modella and being used as a private house (8) - and the area is now also covered in houses.

The Melbourne Hunt Club at Cranbourne, November 26, 1980. 
It was located on the east side of  Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road (Cameron Street) and the north side Berwick-Cranbourne Road (Sladen Street extension). The railway line bi-sects the photo.
Image: Casey Cardinia Libraries

The Hunt Club at Cranbourne.
Image: Casey Cardinia Libraries

The Melbourne Hunt Club, when it was located in Cranbourne, played a large role in the social and community life of Cranbourne and the surrounding area. As historian Claire Turner noted - 
A curious and compatible relationship developed between the local Cranbourne community and the
patrons of hunting who travelled up from Melbourne. They shared a love of the country and of sport. Horse people and other locals from surrounding properties joined in the club activities, rubbing shoulders with prominent politicians, visiting dignitaries and wealthy business people from the city.....The Club was a very established part of Cranbourne’s identity. There are many memories held by locals who had various involvements with the club, either as members of the Hunt, workers at the hunt complex or as children. Children from nearby properties loved to play at the grounds.

Window in the Oaklands Hunt Club building at Somerton.
Photo: Heather Arnold, November 2016

The Melbourne Hunt Club was one of four clubs operating in Melbourne at this time - there was also the Findon Harriers, the Oaklands Hunt and the Yarra Glen and Lilydale  Hunt (10). The Oaklands Hunt Club building, in Somerton, is now a reception centre. It consists of a mid 1870s homestead, Sherwood and a 1938 Tudor Revival style hall with six interesting etched glass windows with hunting motifs, including one of a fox with a hunting horn and a border which includes acorns. It is shown above.

The Hunt Train at Berwick Railway Station, July 11, 1927.
A2.800 on Hunt train at Berwick. Victorian Railways, photographer.
State Library of Victoria Image H1077

Before everyone had a car and a horse float participants in Hunts in the greater Melbourne area took the Hunt Train to the locations and I came across this photo (above) of the Hunt Train at Berwick in 1927. The Hunt Train not only took passengers but their horses and the hounds as well.

Notice of the Hunt train timetable

The earliest reports of Hunt Train which I can find is from 1883 (11). There was this interesting report from 1909, below, about this train holding up the regular trains on the Whittlesea line, on a Friday.

A complaint about the Hunt train

The Melbourne Hunt Club frequented Shires of Berwick and Cranbourne, even when they were based at Oakleigh. In July 1913, the Melbourne Hunt Club meet was held at Tooradin and Punch (12) had a page of photographs of the event (see them here and three are below)As there are photographs at both Clyde and Tooradin Railway Stations, the Hunt Train must have dropped their passengers - human and animal - at one town and picked them up at the other.  There were some high-profile participants including His Excellency Lord Denham, who was the Governor General of Australia from 1911 until 1914;  Sir Walter Barttelote and Lord Richard Nevill.  The Australasian reported on the tragic fate of Sir Walter Barttelot, who in October 1918, was cruelly assassinated at Teheran, while on special service as military attached to the British Legation in Persia. Sir Walter did fine service in France, whence he went to Gallipoli and Mesopotamia. He was the owner of Stopham House, near Pulborough, in Sussex, and is succeeded by his eldest son Walter, a lad of 14. When Lord Denman was Governor-General of Australia, Sir Walter was a member of the staff, as military secretary and with Lady Barttelot. (13)

The sartorially splendid Sir Walter Barttelote and Lord Richard Nevill, about to board the train, possibly at Flinders Street, for the Melbourne Hunt Club meet at Tooradin.
Photographer: J.E. Barnes. Punch, July 10, 1913

Lord Richard Nevill, who died in 1939, aged 75 was -
The fifth son of the first Marquis of Abergavenny, Lord Richard Nevill was private secretary to the Lord President, of the Council, the Earl of Cranbrook. Subsequently he was private secretary to the Governors of South Australia and Victoria, chamberlain to successive Governors-General of Australia, and controller of the household of the Duke of Connaught and the Duke of Devonshire, Governors-General of Canada. As a member of Victorian and Commonwealth vice-regal households, Lord Richard Nevill, tall and immaculately dressed, was an outstanding figure in the social life of the country for many years. He was educated at Eton and Magdalene College, Cambridge, and was a keen hunter and golfer. (14)

Members of the Melbourne Hunt Club at Clyde Railway Station, including Lord Denham, the Governor General of Australia.
Photographer: J.E. Barnes. Punch, July 10, 1913

The Melbourne Hunt Club leaving Tooradin Railway Station
Photographer: J.E. Barnes. Punch, July 10, 1913

The Herald reported on the Club in 1924 - It hunts over the wide-stretch of country lying between Beaconsfield and Clyde, and meets are hold regularly twice a week during the season - this year probably on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On an average some fifty members attend on each day, and many citizens of Oaklelgh have witnessed the picturesque scene when the hunt train draws in, and the clamoring, eager hounds are placed aboard by the huntsman and his assistants. It is the hounds, with their expressive faces and beautiful eyes, that usually attract the greater attention by the way, though fleeting glances are also thrown at the scarlet clad human beings (15). 

There was another report of a hunt in September 1927 in The Australasian, which started at Andrew Chirnside's property, Edrington at Berwick. It went from Berwick to Beaconsfield to Officer and if you know where Brunt Road and Rix Road is, it will give you some idea of the route taken by the Hunt -
Hounds were then taken on to the Cardinia Creek, which was worked from Lecky's crossing. Hounds found a fox in Abbott's, and pushed him through the timber into Marsden's, over Pound road, to Boag's. Here bounds took some little time to bustle their fox through the thick tea-tree, but at last got him away to the open on the Berwick side. Leaving the creek hounds ran through Boag's into Nixon's and May's, but here the fox turned back and crossed the Cardinia Creek to the sand pits. The pack ran up-stream for about a mile, then swung right-banded through the pipe works into Stevens's, where they turned in the cultivation and beaded for Brunt's. Travelling at a great pace hounds streamed across Brunt's flat into Jones's, where they crossed a lane into Rix's, and headed for Officer station. Heavy rain began to fall, and as hounds ran through a mob of cattle, they were at fault. Swinging on their own cast they hit off the line once more, and rattled through Rix's up to Officer road into C. Greaves's, where they were again in trouble in the crop. The heavy rain seemed to wash away all traces of scent (16).

On May 28, 1928, the Melbourne Hunt Club was at Berwick, and The Australasian had the following photographs, including the chaotic scene at the Berwick Railway Station.

Melbourne Hunt Club at Berwick 
The Australasian, June 2, 1928

The Hunt Special, c. 1920s.
Image: Mrs G. Moore's collection from Hounds are Running: a history of the Melbourne Hunt by Heather B. Ronald (Lowden Publishing Company, 1970)

The fact that they hunted during week days meant that the average working person could not participate as they were at work. Hunting was an activity for the well off. The same Herald article from 1924, referred to above itemised the costs involved in hunting -
The average citizen knows comparatively little of this "Sport of Kings' - which is not at all surprising, in view of the fact that the average income is strictly limited. To hunt regularly during the season will cost a man at the very least £5 per week, and this is doing it cheaply. There is no difficulty in spending twice or thrice that sum if desired, and a fairly heavy investment of capital is required at the start. A suitable horse, for instance, may cost anything from £50 and upwards - often upwards. There are, indeed, a few "one-horse men," but the average hunting follower keeps two animals, and there are some even who use five or six. In addition, there is the hunting kit to be purchased - no small item, so that the would-be fox hunter must be prepared for a big outlay.

In any of the good stables the horse will cost about £3/3/ a week for keep, and to this the expense of taking it on the train to the various meets has to be added. Furthermore, the hunt club subscription, may be £10/10/, for the season, and there are sundry incidentals to be paid for, so that, taking it all round, hunting is not a cheap pastime; but it is a fascinating one, and the delights of an eight to fifteen miles run in the keen winter air across open country have been sung by poets and described by writers innumerable....the value of the hounds at Oaklelgh varies from £35 to £100 per animal

The Hunts were an activity in which many women participated with the men. The names of the participants of the 1927 Hunt from Edrington at Berwick was listed in the report and there were 32 men listed and 23 women - Misses Moira Pennefather, on Phillip; Geraldine Pennefather, Dell; Daisy Farrell, Menander; Hylda McCardel,Clark's Chance; Ursula Syme, Red Harry; Fairlie Hagenauer, Little Rocket; Marie McKinnon, Simon; Betty Bayles, Snip: Margot Anderson, Albury; Violet Farmer, Rubicon Lad; Jess Mackenzie, Jemba; Gwen Johnston, Rocket; Fairlie Lyon, Harmony; Noel Lyon, Ansaldo; Lorna Embling, Delteetim; V. Jordan, Refrain; Violet Turner, Bonnie Lass; Jean Demergue, Redcap; Joan Sewell, Judy; Betty Sewell, Hazel; Suzanne Sewell, Sam; Edith Churchill, Greygown; Violet Richardson, St. Leonard (18).

These women are off to the Hunt, organised by the Findon Harriers. The photo gives you an idea of the outfits which were required to be worn.
Original caption: Misses L. Warner, D. Foster and D. Clarke arriving at Spencer Street station to catch the special hunt train to attend today's meet of the Findon Harriers at Epping.

Hunting also appeared to be an activity enjoyed by young and old. There was a report in The Herald in June 1933 of a meeting of the Findon Warriors -
Foremost among the riders was one of the oldest huntsmen in Victoria. Mr H. C. Pennyfather, riding Bogie, is more than 70, but had travelled from Berwick for the day's sport. Little Isabel Bunting, aged 5, was the youngest follower. On a shaggy pony she had ridden four miles with her father to the meet (19). It would be unlikely that it would be accepted that a five year child should ride with a hunt these days, as the whole aim is to chase down and kill a fox, however these were different times. Mr Pennyfather was Hugh Claude Pennefather of Ardsley, Clyde Road in Berwick, he died in February 1951 at the age of 87 (20).


The Whip and the Hounds: Mr Jack Snowden, the Whip of the Melbourne Hounds, waiting for the special hunt train which left Oakleigh today for Pakenham.

The last report I can find of a Hunt train was in 1936 (21). By then, more people would have had cars and it appears by the mid 1930s horse floats became more common (22). So the sight of horses and hounds waiting at railway stations for the Hunt Train became a thing of the past.

The Melbourne Hounds met at Lyndhurst on June 11. The Master (Mr A.T. Creswick) and the Secretary (Mr Norman Wood) are here seen waiting with the hounds for the train at Oakleigh.
The Australasian, June 16, 1923

Trove lists
I have created a list of articles on Trove on the Hunt Train, access it here; as well, I have created a short list of articles about the establishment of the Melbourne Hunt Club at Cranbourne in 1929, access it here.


(1) There are various dates reported as to Watson's date of arrival in Melbourne and also his year of birth. His obituary in The Leader of July, 14, 1906, see here, says he arrived in 1851 and that he was born in 1831. His obituary in The Herald of July 11, 1906, see here, says he arrived in 1851 and had been born in 1828. His Australian Dictionary of Biography entry, see here, says he was born 1829 in Ballydarton, County Carlow, Ireland, and arrived in Melbourne in March 1850. Watson died July 11, 1906 and his death certificate, under George John Watson, records that he was 80, which makes him born in 1826 and had been in Victoria for 55 years, which means he arrived about 1851. His death certificate also said he was married at the age of 24, to Sarah Jane. I have a marriage certificate of a John Watson to a Sarah Jane Townsend - the marriage took place on August 20, 1850 at St James Church of England in Melbourne. James' death certificate lists eleven children.
(2) This information about the Melbourne Hunt Club and George Watson comes from Hounds are Running: a history of the Melbourne Hunt by Heather B. Ronald (Lowden Publishing Company, 1970). The direct quote about the fox hounds coming from Ireland is on page 6. Interesting book and well indexed, the book is worth tracking down if you have an interest in hunting.
(3) Read George Watson's Australian Dictionary of Biography entry, here. The author says that he owned I.Y. U from 1872 until 1884. I believe he purchased it 1866, see this article in The Herald, April 6, 1866, here and The Leader of April 7, 1866, here. He certainly owned it in 1867, Ovens & Murray Advertiser, July 25, 1867, see here. I.Y. U. was sold to the Staughton Brothers in 1884 (Weekly Times, August 23, 1884, see here.)
(4) Mrs Ronald writes on page 6 of Hounds are Running - that They firstly moved to a site in Dandenong Road near the junction with Wattletree Road, where the low-roofed sheds which housed them were a land-mark known as the 'old kennels' long after the Melbourne Hounds moved to new quarters. The new kennels were built in Alma Road East St Kilda about 1859 on land purchased from John Callow. They were situated on the south side of the road, on the face of the hill, east of St Kilda Cemetery, between what is now Alexander Street and Lansdown Road, and extending back to Inkerman Road. On the four and half acres of land was a small wooden house, stables and kennels. The boys school 'Cumloden' was afterwards built on the site. which is now covered by blocks of modern flats.
(5) Hounds are Running: a history of the Melbourne Hunt by Heather B. Ronald (Lowden Publishing Company, 1970).
(6) The Herald, April 23, 1929, see here.
(7) Dandenong Journal, September 26, 1929, see here.
(8) 1996 date - Claire Turner - see Footnote 7; Hunt buildings removed to Modella - Information from Mavis Martin, Modella resident;
(9) Cranbourne: a town with a history published by the City of Casey in 2001. Access it on-line here  The section written by Claire Turner (now Sandell) starts on page 8.7 of the Recreation chapter; Graham Facey has also written his memories of the Hunt Club at Cranbourne, starts on page 10.6 of the Appendixes and on page 10.14 is a list of the Masters of the Hunt Club.
(10) The Herald, May 10, 1924, see here.
(11) See my Hunt Train Trove list, here.
(12) Punch, July 10, 1913, see here
(13)  Lord Denham - Burnie Advocate, June 26 1954, see here. Sir Walter Barttelotte - The Australasian, January 11, 1919, see here.
(14) The Age, December 4, 1939, see here.
(15) The Herald, May 10, 1924, see here.
(16) The Australasian, September 3, 1927, see here.
(17) The Herald, May 10, 1924, see here.
(18) The Australasian, September 3, 1927, see here.
(19) The Herald, June 9, 1933. see here.
(20) Mr Pennefather's obituary was in the Dandenong Journal of February 21, 1951, see here.
(21) See my Hunt TrainTrove list, here.
(22) Shepparton Advertiser, June 6, 1935. Interesting article which starts with the transport of racehorses by motor horse boxes has now become a specialised business in most of the leading centres of the world. Read it here.

This is an expanded version of a post, which I wrote and researched, which appears on my work blog, Casey Cardinia Links to our Past

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The mystery of the Quietly Club, Berwick

This is one of my favourite posts which I researched and wrote for my work blog, Casey Cardinia Links to our Past. It was posted on November 24, 2010 and is reproduced below, with a few modifications. 


I had an email from the Dandenong & District Historical Society asking if I knew anything about the Quietly Club in Berwick. They had received an email on this subject from Maurice Mishkel from Canada, a collector of stamps and envelopes. Maurice had purchased this envelope, below, addressed to Horace Bennett, Tarcoola Station, River Darling, via Wentworth, New South Wales.

I passed the query onto Judith Dwyer and Corinne Brewis of the Berwick Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library (BMI), in High Street, Berwick. The BMI have scanned their Minute Books and Attendance or Visitors Registers and Judith immediately recognized the art work. 

The artist was John Warne (1867-1941), a Berwick painter and decorator, who with his brother Charles, a plasterer, had started a business in Station Street (now Gloucestor Avenue) Berwick in the late 1880s. In 1901,  John married Henrietta Searle, the daughter of Henry and Jane Searle. Henry had operated a blacksmiths on the corner of Wheelers Street and High Street (known as Searle’s Corner) in Berwick from around 1860. Sarah and John had four children - Joseph Thomas (known as Tom) b.1902; Marian Hilda (known as Hilda) b.1904; Jack b.1907 and Samuel Charles b.1910. Tom followed his father and also became a painter and sign writer. (1)

John Warne's illustration from the Attendance Register of June 18, 1894.
Image: Berwick Mechanics' Institute and Free Library

From 1893, until she married John Warne, Henrietta Searle was the Librarian at the BMI (2).  From the attendance books we know that both Horace Bennett and John Warne were regular visitors to the BMI and that John frequently ‘annotated’ the attendance book, whereas Horace seemed to make jokes about his occupation.

Horace’s last visit to the BMI was November 3, 1894, where he added Fare the Well after his signature.
Image: Berwick Mechanics' Institute and Free Library

So what was the Quietly Club? – we don’t know but can only surmise it was a bit of an in-joke with John and Horace and the other lads. Perhaps it was to do with Libraries encouraging silence or the Library may have been quiet after Horace left.

Horace signs in as T.H. Bennett Ltd Butcher, on January 10, 1894. Is he actually a butcher? 
Image: Berwick Mechanics' Institute and Free Library

On July 18, 1894 there is a reference to Good old Bennett, what price fish
so perhaps he also sold fish?
Image: Berwick Mechanics' Institute and Free Library

Horace also signed in as H.R.H The Duke of York October 18, 1894
Image: Berwick Mechanics' Institute and Free Library 

 November 1, 1894,  he was The Humble Horace Bennett. 
Image: Berwick Mechanics' Institute and Free Library

The entry from March 6, 1894 - there's John Warne's signature, with Horace Bennett's underneath - and A Sop? Above John's signature is that of Horace Bennett, possibly the father of young Horace. What does B.C.B stand for? Berwick Cricket ??, Berwick Cycling??
Image: Berwick Mechanics' Institute and Free Library

Tarcoola Station is near Pooncarie on the Darling River and was firstly occupied by William Campbell. It was taken over by Charles Nicholson in 1851 and at the time consisted of around 30,000 acres. A series of amalgamations with other properties saw Tarcoola having over one million acres in the 1880s, with 21 workmen employed as well as Managers, cooks, maids, grooms, stable hands, a black smith and Chinese gardeners. Tarcoola was broken up in 1918 into ten leases. We don't know what Horace's role was at Tarcoola. An entry in the Attendance Registers lists Horace as a butcher, so may be that was what he also did at Tarcoola, nor do we know when he arrived at Tarcoola. (3)

What do we know about Horace? He was T.H Bennett, and that it is likely his father was also called Horace. I can't find any Bennetts in the Rate Books in Berwick in the 1890s; I can't find a reference to a birth of a T. Horace Bennett in Victoria or New South Wales nor a death, that I can say with any certainty would be him; and the same with the Electoral Rolls. Essentially, I know nothing about him, but that he had a sense of humour.

The  Horace Bennett Quietly Club mystery brings up a few issues – first the importance of networks. There are hundreds of Local History and Heritage Societies in Victoria, many of whom keep in touch through regional networks such as the South Eastern Historical Association. We have our own network here in the Casey Cardinia Region, the Local History Reference Group, who meet quarterly. It’s good to know that if you can’t answer a query, then you can pass it onto someone who may be able to help. Secondly, it brings up the issue that the role technology now plays in Local History – without email we could never have passed around this query so quickly and if the BMI had not decided to scan all their records would Judith and Corinne have had easy access to the original registers and recognized the art work? Scanning has made all these old Registers immediately available at the click of a mouse button and another click can have these images whizzing around the world.

Thanks to Maurice for sharing his envelope and giving Horace Bennett and the Quietly Club a place in our history. I would love to hear from you if you know anything about Horace.

(1) Early Days of Berwick and its surrounding districts, compiled by Norman E. Beaumont, James F. Curran and R.H. Hughes (3rd edition published by Rotary, 1979); Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages; John Warne's obituary Dandenong Journal, March 26, 1941, see here;
(2) Berwick Mechanics Institute and Free Library: a history by Richard Myers (Berwick Mechanics Institute and Free Library, 1999)
(3) The history of Pooncarie and District by Rob Lans, Thelma Smith and Bill Smith. (Pooncarie School Centenary & Historical Committee c. 1988.)

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Sailors from the American Fleet visit Korumburra on July 25, 1925

The Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical has this photo in our collection. It is of Jack O'Riordan and Terry O'Riordan (and their dog) in Rossiter Road, Koo Wee Rup. Jack was born 1919, Terry in 1921, the sons of Les and Margaret (nee Colvin) O'Riordan, who lived at Mallow, in Rossiter Road. (1). Jack holds an American flag, and I believe this photograph was taken in July 1925, when the American Fleet visited Melbourne.

Jack O'Riordan and Terry O'Riordan (and their dog) Rossiter Road, Koo Wee Rup, taken in July 1925, when the American Fleet visited Melbourne.
Photo supplied by Robert Dusting, Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society collection.

The American Fleet had arrived in Melbourne on July 23, 1925. The ships were berthed at Princes Pier and Victoria Dock and were open to the public. At Prince's Pier people could visit U. S.S. Seattle, U.S.S. Pennsylvania, U.S.S. Oklahoma and the U.S.S. Nevada. At Victoria Dock - U.S.S. Omaha, Altair, and Melville, and all the destroyers. The arrival of the Fleet was well reported and many activities were organised for the Officers and the Crews. The Fleet left Melbourne on August 6.(2).

American Fleet at Victoria Dock, 1925 (3)
Photographer: Charles Daniel Pratt (Airspy).  State Library of Victoria Image  H91.160/475

I looked up to Koo Wee Rup Sun to see if they reported the visit of the American Fleet and found this short report -


The sailors visit Korumburra
Koo Wee Rup Sun, July 30, 1925, p.4

So we now know that some of the sailors came even closer to Koo Wee Rup, as they visited Korumburra, travelling by train and saw a football match between Bayles and Korumburra vs Leongatha and Meeniyan. Perhaps Jack and Terry also had a trip to Korumburra that day, or they waved to the soldiers at the Koo Wee Rup Station as the train went through or they may even have been lucky enough to go to Melbourne to see the Fleet.

As you could imagine, for a small town like Korumburra, which at the time had  a population of about 2,500 (4) an event such as this required much planning and tight logistics  Not only did they expect the 200 sailors on Saturday, July 25, but many visitors who would come to join in the festivities.  The first report in the local newspaper, the Great Southern Advocate, was on May 28, 1925, which fully supported the idea of the visit (5).  A public meeting was held on June 22, where a Committee was formed, and the Councillors present announced that there will be no financial support for the visit from the Shire of Korumburra. The Committee consisted of  Crs Western and Kurrle, Dr. Reed, and Messrs Lloyd, Bonwick, Knyvett, Petersen, G. Knight, Pam, Nicholson McArthur and J. Wilson. (6).

A later meeting of the Committee noted  that 1000 souvenir buttons had been ordered and
would shortly be on sale (7). The catering for the event had been under discussion for weeks, at the first public meeting it was decided that the only way to cater for such a large assemblage would be to get proper catering from some caterer. It was too big a thing to ask that ladies to undertake it. (8). However it was later reported that last Thursday afternoon a fair number of ladies attended a meeting to consider the best ways and means of  catering for the visit of the American fleet contingent on July 25th. Cr. W. Herbertson was in the chair. He said he recognised that the catering was a big undertaking, but considered the ladies could best discuss the matter among themselves. On a vote being taken the ladies unanimously agreed to carry out the catering. (9)

A committee of ladies was formed - President, Mrs. G. G. Knight, vice-president, Mrs. H.J. Bonwick;  secretary, Mrs McArthur; general committee, Mesdames Horsley, Western, Thompson, Pam, Wynne, Ritchie, Herbertson and Miss Wilson. Sub-committees were appointed for the out-lying districts. (10). As as we will see from the report of the day below, they did a wonderful job.

Activities were planned including the football match and other sporting events; and transport was organised - as the Great Southern Advocate reported -  As an inducement to patronize the gathering and bring visitors from outside districts to the celebrations the association has very wisely decided to run a special train from Stony Creek. The association is to be heartily congratulated on its decision to run this train as it will provide the opportunity of bringing many people to the town who might otherwise not have came. (11)

The Great Southern Advocate of July 23 announced the final programme for the day -
Arrival of train 11 a.m. Officers and men to be met by a guard of honor consisting of 21 returned
soldiers, the band, and chairman and committee. The men to be disbanded till 11.40, when they
will assemble at the fire station. After falling into line at 11.50 they will march, headed by the
fleet band, to the drill hall, where lunch will be served at noon. The sports programme will start
on the show ground at 1 p.m., and will continue during the afternoon. A feature will be the
football match between the South Gippsland Association teams. Tea will be served in the drill hall
at 5.30, and the dance will be conducted from 7.30. At 9.30 the sailors will be supplied with a buffet supper, and return for Melbourne at 10.30 p.m. (12)

Commercial Street, looking west, Korumburra, c. 1930s. 
Photographer: Rose Stereograph Co.
State Library of Victoria Image H32492/7531

The Great Southern Advocate reported on the sailor's visit to Korumburra on Saturday, July 25 1925, and it was certainly a red-letter day for the town. 

The American Sailors. Visit to Korumburra. "A Wonderful Time," So Said the Sailor Boys
Not more than once or twice at most, in a generation, can we expect to be honored with the visit of a naval expedition of such magnitude, as is now present in Australian waters, and the International significance of this re-union with our kinsmen overseas is of world wide importance. There is not a civilised nation on the earth but is watching the progress of the American fleet, and the nature of its reception by the Dominions of the British Empire. For it is recognised that the combination of these two English-speaking peoples with their powerful armaments on sea and land, must and will determine the policies of practically every other nation. While they devote their highest efforts to the maintenance of the peace of the world, it will be almost impossible for any other combination of Powers to wage another great war.

It is the contemplation of these facts which adds so much to the earnestness of the welcome extended to our American friends, and kinsmen. And some of the enthusiasm was seen in Korumburra on Saturday, when shortly before noon, a special train brought a contingent of officers and men on a visit to this town and district.

About ten o'clock people began to make their way to the railway station, and when the train steamed in hundreds of residents, young and old were clamouring for a good position to get the first-glimpse of the visitors. The shire president, Cr. W. Herbertson and other members of the reception committee were on the station to bid them welcome, and after a few minutes came off the station "at the double" and formed up in Commercial street at the top of Radovick street. The band which accompanied them,  composed of Phillipinos, marched at the head of the contingent to the fire brigade station, where the men were dismissed. People were coming in from all round the district, and it is questionable if ever there were more people in Commercial street at the one time than on Saturday about 11.30 a.m. For about 40 minutes the sailors had a look round the business part of the town, and soon made themselves good friends with all.

About noon the sailors formed into line again at the fire station and marched to the drill hall, where a very fine dinner had been prepared for them by the ladies. No trouble had been spared by the ladies in decorating the hall, and the nicely attired bevy of pretty girls ready to wait on the sailors gave the place a very pleasing appearance. The menu for the dinner was as follows: - Roast beef, sirloin of beef, roast lamb, roast pork, and apple sauce, mashed potatoes, pickles, beetroot and sauces. Sweets. - Plum pudding and vanilla sauce, apple pie and cream, preserved fruits and pastry, Vienna rolls, crackers and cheese. Tea, coffee, soft drinks. Fruits in season. Cigarettes.

Dinner having been partaken of, and the toast of "The King and President" having been honored the chairman, Cr. Herbertson proposed "Our Guests." They all recognised that the American navy was the admiration of the whole civilised world, and the American people had launched some great national schemes which were copied by other countries. One in particular was the irrigation scheme, which had been a revelation in Australia, and especially Victoria. Great areas had been made productive and it fostered settlement. The brains behind the great electricity scheme was in America, and this also had  been a boon to Victoria. He recognised that the visit of the fleet to Australia was one of national importance, and it would prove the means of creating a greater and closer friendship between the two countries. That you have come here to help us was proved in the loan that was recently raised in America on our behalf. He hoped their stay in Australia would be of educational value, and when they returned home they would be able to tell their people of the great opportunities there were here for men of their type. He had every confidence in the Americans and believed that if ever the day came when Australia was involved in war they would come to our assistance and help us to fight for right against might. He desired to extend to those present a most cordial welcome, and hoped they would all have a very enjoyable day. (Applause.)

Mr. Tyner, M.L. C., in supporting the toast said the visit of the fleet, he was sure, was going to strengthen the bonds of friendship between the two countries, and in welcoming them here that day we are remindful of the splendid hospitality given to our soldiers while passing through America.

Ensign Hennigar, of the battleship Oklahoma, expressed thanks for the wonderful reception and hospitality given to the sailors. He was sure they would all enjoy the outing, and the great act of kindness would impress on the minds of the men the loyal friendship that existed between the two countries. He was pleased to be here amongst such warm-hearted people, and appreciated to the full all that had been done to give them an enjoyable time (Applause.)

When the sailors rose from the tables they insisted on the girls sitting down, and the lads in turn waited on the tables while the girls had dinner. The girls were quite delighted with the compliment of having the sailors waiting them. Not satisfied with this, the lads in blue helped the ladies to wash up afterwards.

Commercial Street, Korumburra, c. 1930s. 
Photographer: Rose Stereograph Co.
State Library of Victoria Image H32492/7551

A sports meeting was held on the show grounds in the afternoon at which there was a great gathering. The principal attraction was a football match between Leongatha and M.& S. United [Meeniyan and Stony Creek United] combined and Korumburra and Bayles combined. After an interesting game it resulted in a draw - 10.10 each. Other interesting items were a flag race, in which the sailors took part, gymnastic display by members of the Boys' Club, and a tug-of-war between teams from the footballers and the sailors. During the afternoon the visiting Phillipinos band played a programme of excellent music on the lawn in front of the stand, and this was probably the most enjoyable item of the afternoon, some of it real genuine jazz music.

About 5.30 the sailors again mustered at the drill hall, where tea was waiting for them. The menu was:- Ham and tongue, roast beef, roast lamb and pork, pickles and sauces. Sweets.- Fruit salads, trifles, fruit jellies, cream and fancy cakes and biscuits. Tea, coffee and cigarettes.

Many members of the public also came along and had tea, otherwise the committee would have been left with a great deal more eatables than they were. At the conclusion of tea very little time was lost in preparing the hall for dancing. While this was being done the band played severed animating jazz selections, which made both boys and girls quite anxious to make a start with the dancing. About seven o'clock all was clear and then the really most enjoyable and social part of the whole festivities was entered into. Most of the sailors could dance, and so could the girls that were there - and they did too, every dance, some of them. Some of the local boys were rather jealous of the good time the sailors were having, but the girls did not seem to care. They were out to give the visitors a pleasant time and they did. About 9.30 the visitors were treated to a cup of coffee, and after the band played the National Anthems of Britain and America, the sailors and many of those in the hall went to the railway station. About 10.40 p.m. the train - steamed out, amidst cheers from the departing boys and those on the platform.

It was easily one of the most pleasant and happy functions ever held in our district, and we will long retain happy memories of the visit of the American sailors to Korumburra. They were a gentlemanly, manly lot, and it was a pleasure and privilege to have had them here.

Too much praise cannot be given the committees which carried out all the arrangements. Mrs Gordon Knight (president), and Mrs. McArthur (secretary) had a band of willing workers to help them, and they received exceedingly great help from ladies in the country districts. Cr W. Herbertson, president, and Mr. P.McGrath, secretary of the general committee, have every reason to be well satisfied with the very pleasant and successful function.

There was one more report in the Great Southern Advocate of the visit of the American sailors to Korumburra - 
Some of Korumburra's young ladies, who had such a good time with the American sailors on their visit to our town, went to Melbourne last weekend to re-new acquaintances. Most of them have returned and speak of having had a great time. (14).  I wonder if any of the girls kept in contact with the sailors after the Fleet left Melbourne?

Trove list - I have created a list of the Great Southern Advocate articles connected to the visit of the American sailors to Korumburra, on July 25, 1925, access it here.

(1) O'Riordan family -  John Henry (Jack) O'Riordan born July 28, 1919. He served in World War Two in the Army and the Air Force; Terence Joseph O'Riordan was born May 4, 1921, and served in the Air Force in World War Two (
(2) The Argus, July 24, 1925 had a four page report on the arrival of the Fleet, read it here, here, here and here; where the boats were - The Argus, July 24, 1925, see here; The Argus, August 6, 1925 see here
(3) Incorrectly dated as 1927 at the State Library of Victoria.
(5) Great Southern Advocate, May 28, 1925, see here.
(6) Great Southern Advocate, June 25, 1925, see here.
(7) Great Southern Advocate, July 9, 1925, see here.
(8) Great Southern Advocate, June 25, 1925, see here.
(9) Great Southern Advocate, July 16, 1925, see here.
(10) Ibid
(11) Ibid
(12) Great Southern Advocate, July 23 1925, see here.
(13) Great Southern Advocate, July 30 1925, see here.
(14) Great Southern Advocate, August 6, 1925, see here.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Beulah is hit by a tornado in 1908

On Sunday afternoon, March 8, 1908 Beulah was hit by  a tornado or a cyclone, as some reports called it. The Horsham Times, of March 13, 1908  had the following report (see here)

In the Mallee.  Beulah Devastated. Roofs and Wreckage everywhere. 
Torrential Rain. People Swamped from Ruined Houses.
A most disastrous tornado occurred in Beulah on Sunday afternoon, and in a few minutes the town was a total wreck.
About 4.40 p.m. a blinding wall of dust came from the west, accompanied by terrific thunder and a heavy down-pour of rain.
The town was right in the track of the storm, and scarcely a house was left intact. Roofs, limbs of trees, signboards, and all suchlike flew about like paper, and wire was twisted and doubled up in a remarkable fashion. The verandahs of the Commercial Bank and Huntsman's were twisted and smashed, and all the windows broken; and the rooms swamped by the drenching rain.  
Franklin's stables were blown down, and great difficulty was experienced in getting the horses out. The front wall of King's brick shop fell on the street, and the front verandah was lifted up and lodged against the railway fence.
The skylights at the post office were broken in, and the place deluged with rain. All telegraph poles are down. 
May and Millar's foundry is an absolute wreck, and the back wall of Thomas' mill has been battered in by the flying roof of Willoughby's house.
Every fence in the place is down. The roof was blown off Chambers' house, and the inmates were swamped out. Chimneys were blown down in all directions. Messrs. Harvey, Patterson, Nelson, and Stewart's houses were severely damaged.
Crumpled and twisted iron is lying in all directions, and several narrow escapes occurred from flying iron.
The Agricultural Society's buildings, erected recently at a cost of £150, were all blown down, and only three posts are left to mark the place where they stood.
Thomas' saddler's shop was perforated with flying iron and rafters; and Cust's store was badly strained; while Anderson's shop was smashed in. All rooms at the coffee palace are unroofed.
A piece of 4-inch by 3-inch timber went through Blytheman's roof and landed alongside a bed where a lady was reclining.
The Record newspaper office was blown clean into the street, and badly damaged.
Lang and O'Donnell's foundry walls fell in, and the building collapsed. A piece of this building now sticks through the wall of a house 30 yards away.
Mr. McKinnon's house is a heap of debris, and how the inmates escaped is a marvel, as all the furniture lies strewed beneath the debris. Newman's house, next door, is partly demolished.

The McKinnon house at Beulah, after the Tornado. 
See below for information on the McKinnons.
State Library of Victoria Image H33437

A gig and trap blown from Smith's factory across the road landed against the railway fence.  
The township now presents a pitiful spectacle.
The heavy rain completed the damage by swamping the unroofed houses and driving the inmates out. No idea can be formed of the damage done except by a personal visit.
Giant trees were rooted up like matchwood, and in fact desolation reigns everywhere. During the storm 165 points of rain fell.
Reports from the surrounding district indicate that much damage was done along the track of the storm. Haystacks, houses, and farm buildings were blown down.
The Methodist Church here has been shifted completely, and now has a dangerous tilt. Vacant parts are strewn with debris of all kinds, and residents are searching for property.
The damage at a rough estimate must amount to thousands of pounds.
Many people on Sunday night had to seek shelter with their more fortunate neighbours.
Portions of the show-yard buildings were carried across the creek, over a quarter of a mile, and landed in the town.

There was another interesting report in The Age, March 11, 1908, see here.
Cyclonic Storm at Beulah
The cyclone storm which visited Beulah on Sunday afternoon was preceded by a terrific dust storm. From the west and north west immense clouds of red and black dust came whirling along violently. Vivid flashes of lightning were followed by heavy peals of thunder. When the clouds became visible they wore of a leaden colour and moving rapidly. Then came a great wind storm. Verandahs, roofs, houses, windows and trees were blown down, and sheets of galvanised iron were carried hundreds of yards and twisted into all shapes. The wind was accompanied by very heavy rain, an inch being registered in about half an hour.

The town afterwards presented a wrecked appearance. Messrs. Lang and O'Donnell's foundry and May and Miller's foundry were razed to the ground. The east side of Phillips-street had suffered very much. Many verandahs were ripped to pieces, some of the posts being forced through the windows. Every window facing the west was smashed. The new shed at the show ground was blown to pieces. At the Franklin's hotel the new stables were wrecked. At Thorns' Coffee Palace a number of wooden bedrooms at the rear were unroofed, and the interior flooded. The front of the Beulah " Record " office was torn completely out. At the State school one chimney was blown down, several sheets of iron were off the roof, and all outhouses were levelled to the ground.

The roofs of the Church of England and Presbyterian churches were badly damaged. Many chimneys were blown down. Messrs. M'Kinnon, Newman, Chandler, Willoughby and their families were rendered homeless. Fencing of every description suffered very much. The storm lasted about 30 minutes. The telegraph line was blown down, numbers of the poles being snapped off or torn out of the ground. All telegraphic communication was cut off. The damage done was considerable. There was fortunately only one slight accident. Mr. E. Neuman, a compositor, while seeking shelter, was struck on the head with a branch of a tree. He was rendered unconscious for a few moments.

There was another similar report of the Beulah Tornado in the Hamilton Spectator, March 11 1908, see here.

The McKinnons
The 1909 Electoral Roll lists four McKinnons in Beulah -
James - a horse-breaker
Lachlan Marcus -  a labourer
Maggie - home duties
William J. - a labourer
The Newmans, mentioned in the article as neighbours of the McKinnons are most likely Ernest Henry John Neuman and Sarah Ann Neuman; Ernest's occupation is listed as a printer, so he is the compositer mentioned in the second article who was struck on the head, by a tree branch.